183 results total, viewing 61 - 80
Unsung Heroes

HVAC Technicians

(NAPSI)—The next time you walk in to a cool, comfortable home, you may care to thank an HVAC technician.  These men and women often have to brave extremely unpleasant conditions, especially … more
Safety Sense

Weathering A Storm Or Power Outage Safely

(NAPSI)­­—Having the right outdoor power equipment on hand year-round is important—in more ways than many people realize. That’s according to the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), … more
Pet Care Advice

Flexitarianism For Dogs—For The Environment, For Their Health And For Your Wallet

(NAPSI)—If U.S. dogs and cats were their own country, they’d rank fifth in global meat consumption. In fact, through their diet, our pets constitute about 25–30% of the environmental impacts … more
Hints For Homeowners

Prepare Now For ‘Above Average’ Hurricane Season

(NAPSI)—The 2022 hurricane season is underway, with the Colorado State University (CSU) Tropical Meteorology Project Team forecasting an above-average storm season for the Atlantic basin. Emergency … more
The Healthy Home

Clean Air Ducts Fight Indoor Allergens

(NAPSI)—The joys of warm weather are somewhat reduced for the more than 50 million Americans who have allergies or asthma.  The Problem When it comes to allergies, most people consider … more
Hints For Homeowners

Home Maintenance Made Easier

(NAPSI)—If you have 30 seconds—and a free new app—you can save yourself time, money and trouble, and help preserve the planet at the same time. The app helps people tackle and reduce home … more
Protecting Our Environment

Big Tobacco And The Microplastics Problem

(NAPSI)—It’s likely you see one of the most common sources of plastic pollution everyday—on the ground, in parking lots, in gutters or at the beach—cigarette butts. This is not trash but … more
Dental Health

What’s In The Water? Fluoridated Water And Its Benefits

(NAPSI)­—Brushing, flossing and regular trips to the dentist keep our smiles healthy and happy—that, we know. But what about the water you brush with and drink? Using fluoridated water will help … more

Get Your Ducts In A Row

(NAPSI)—Before you spring into action cleaning your home this season, you may want to consider a source of dirt you can’t see but do need to deal with: air ducts. Your home’s heating and … more
Travel Adventures

The Time To Indulge In The Perfect Safari Is Now

(NAPSI)—After these many months of sacrifice and seclusion, isn’t it time for a journey guaranteed to elevate the spirit and soothe the soul?  A luxury African safari is at the top of … more
Protecting Our Environment

Air Conditioning Use Could Exceed Electric Capacity

(NAPSI)—The day may come soon when you turn on the AC—and it won’t be there. That’s because climate change could mean such an increase in summer air conditioning use in the United States as … more
Your Yard

Backyarding Trends in 2022: TurfMutt Foundation Predicts Americans Will Continue to Expand Outdoor Living

(NAPSI)—“Backyarding”—the trend to move indoor activities outdoors that was made popular during the pandemic —is here to stay and will continue to expand in 2022, according to the TurfMutt … more
Making Life More Fun

2022 Set To Be A Big Year For Kate And William

(NAPSI)—In the midst of a pandemic, family drama and the passing of Prince Phillip, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were shining examples of grace and optimism over the last couple of years. … more
Environmental News And Notes

Earth Is Dimming Due To Climate Change

(NAPSI)—Warming ocean waters have caused a drop in the brightness of the Earth, according to recent research.  Scientists used decades of measurements of earthshine—the light reflected from Earth that illuminates the surface of the Moon—as well as satellite measurements to find that there has been a significant drop in Earth’s reflectance, or albedo, over the past two decades. more
Thanksgiving Ideas

Tips To Reduce Food Waste At Thanksgiving

by Dr. Jean Buzby (NAPSI)—Each year, the average American family of four loses $1,500 to uneaten food—that’s about 1,160 pounds of food. At holiday or any time, it’s a good idea to think … more
Food News And Notes

How To Reduce Food Waste At Home

by Dr. Jean Buzby (NAPSI)—Here’s a cool idea: A clean, well-organized refrigerator can help your family prevent food waste. Three Ways To Fight Food Waste1. Know and, if necessary, … more
Pointers For Parents

Easy Tips To Reduce Food Waste In Your Child’s Lunch Box

by Jean Buzby  (NAPSI)—It’s estimated that a family of four spends, on average, $1,500 a year on food that goes uneaten—but you can help save food and money and improve your kids’ … more
Your Yard

Calling All Backyarders: Fall Is Your Time

(NAPSI)—Backyarding, the trend to move many indoor activities outdoors, is now a permanent way of life. During the pandemic, learning to work, entertain, vacation, work out and more right in … more
Protecting Our Environment

Clean Your Clothes—And The Planet

(NAPSI)—For many families, the cooling weather means a return to routines: work, school, sports practice, meal prep and household chores.  Busy parents have a lot on their plate getting … more
Hints For Homeowners

If Your Home Survives A Fire, Will It Still Be Safe?

(NAPSI)—Wildfires are burning hotter and moving faster than ever before. They create health and safety hazards long after being extinguished. The residue and small particles carried in wildfire … more
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