183 results total, viewing 81 - 100
Pointers For Parents

A Safe Way to Return to Play

(NAPSI)—As life returns to normal following an impossibly difficult year, one aspect of the pandemic likely to remain is the understanding that clean, germ-free environments are … more
Newsworthy Trends

Across The U.S., Non-white Neighborhoods Are Hotter Than White Ones

(NAPSI)—Nationwide, in both major cities and small towns, neighborhoods with more Black, Hispanic and Asian residents experience hotter temperatures during summer heatwaves than nearby white … more
Maximizing Cattle Performance

Pointers On Parasite Control

(NAPSI)—Often, little things can have a big effect on livestock production. Even unseen things such as internal and external parasites can take a heavy toll on beef and dairy cattle, robbing them … more
Tips On Trips

Ten Reasons An RV Will Level-up A Camping Trip

(NAPSI)—You can get away from it all—without having to leave it all behind. Here’s how: Better than camping, even better than glamping, is traveling via recreational vehicle (RV). Don’t worry … more
Hints For Homeowners

What To Know About Mold And Mildew

(NAPSI)—If you’re like a lot of homeowners, your domicile is in danger from an insidious, invisible growth—mold—and you don’t even know it. That’s because for many people, mold conjures … more
Hints For The Home

Quality HVAC Cleaning

(NAPSI)—You could be more comfortable at home for less money. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, cleaning a HVAC system lets it run more efficiently. Clean, efficient systems … more
Understanding Our Environment

Climate Change Likely Shifted The Axis Of The Earth, According To A New Study

(NAPSI)—Global warming that caused glacial melting is likely the cause of a shift in the movement of the Earth’s poles in the 1990s, according to a new study in Geophysical Research Letters, … more
Energy Matters

Save Energy, Money And The Climate

(NAPSI)—After over a year of staying close to home, lots of people are ready for summer fun. However, warm days can mean much higher energy bills—but you can do something about that.  … more
Protecting Your Property

Today’s Weather Is Unpredictable: Keep Your Outdoor Power Equipment Ready

(NAPSI)—Weather today is challenging and the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) reminds home and business owners that it’s important to make sure you have the right outdoor power equipment … more
Your Garden

What You Need To Know Before Buying Plants Or Seeds From Overseas

(NAPSI)—Online shopping and e-commerce have opened new doors for gardening enthusiasts, offering unprecedented access to rare and exotic plants and seed products from around the world at the click … more
Your Yard

Powering Up Your Backyard: The Right Equipment

(NAPSI)—Backyarding—the trend to move all sorts of indoor activities outside—has become a permanent part of many people’s lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. The backyard became a safe haven … more
Texas Topics

Apartment Living Fosters Much Needed Sense Of Community

(NAPSI)—Communities are more than groups of people who live together in the same geographical area. In their truest sense, communities transcend the physical spaces they occupy to become places … more

Healthy Air, Healthy Home

(NAPSI)—Asthma affects more than 24 million people in the U.S., including more than 6 million children, reports the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. In addition, more than 50 million … more
Your Yard

Backyarding With A Purpose: Know Your Personality Type

(NAPSI)—Backyarding—the trend to use the backyard for everything from tele-working to working out to relaxing—has a different purpose for each person. Identifying your backyard’s role in your … more
Energy Matters

Make Your Energy Choices Count

(NAPSI)—Just as people across the country celebrate Earth Day, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program celebrates all the ways people collectively act to protect the planet … more
Hints For Homeowners

Pointers On Preparing For Power Outages

(NAPS)—More Americans suffered extended power outages in 2020 than any year since Superstorm Sandy struck the New York area in 2012, according to Generac, owners of Power Outage Central, a … more
Understanding Our Environment

Reaching Carbon Neutrality For $1 A Day

(NAPSI)—Zero net emissions of carbon dioxide from energy and industry can be achieved by 2050—and it could cost only about $1 a day. That’s the finding of a new study by James Williams at the … more
Hints For Home Buyers

Re-imagining Home Sales For Healthier, More Sustainable Living

(NAPSI)—The COVID-19 pandemic and efforts to stop the spread of the virus have shifted how people think about a lot of things, including their homes. With shelter-in-place orders and shutdowns … more
Animal News And Notes

Keeping Livestock Healthy Made Easier

(NAPSI)—For livestock producers, even the best-laid healthcare plans can be waylaid by unexpected disease outbreak, illness or other conditions that impact their animals.   Fortunately, … more
Your Lawn

Spring Lawn Equipment: Get Ready for Backyarding in High Style This Year

(NAPSI)—Backyarding is the new trend that’s emerged during the pandemic. Our backyards are where we eat, work, play, relax and socialize, and the green spaces around our homes have proven to be … more
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