Free proposal:
Send us a tape (VNR or B-roll), script, press release, your website information or other background material and we can get you a rough cut within one week. Our writers can offer their expert suggestions that will add to pickup or create a Video Feature Release (VFR) from your background material that will get marvelous results if you approve.
VFR's are written, produced and distributed in a monthly mailing on the 23-minute Consumer Science News & Notes video program (CSNN), which is played in its entirety by nearly all our users. Some broadcasters will use individual segments as filler on news shows or talk shows. VFR's are created as 30- or 60-second packages utilizing client B roll, existing VNR's, stills and, if needed, stock footage. If you have an existing VNR that runs 30 or 60 seconds, we can run it in its entirety without any editing, reaching millions of additional viewers.
We cover over 1,000 stations, including many network affiliates, independent and cable stations. Downloadable High-Definition MP4 video files and PDF scripts of each VFR are posted on our website. In addition, all VFR's are uploaded in HD to the NAPS YouTube Channel, NAPS Facebook page and NAPS Twitter page. Broadcasters receive our Consumer Science News & Notes program on numerous tape formats along with SD and HD Digital Downloads.
You should expect about 100–150 on-air placements with each VFR. Colorful results reports include a graphic representation of Nielsen audience data, a map showing broadcast market locations, each placement in market rank order with network affiliations, potential and actual viewership, and equivalent ad space cost.
GUARANTEE: Complete satisfaction with the results of each release or another one FREE.
To learn more click here: NAPS - TV Presentation