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You may have heard of winter blues. It is often called Seasonal Affective Disorder, S-A-D, or Depressive Disorder with a Seasonal Pattern. It affects over seventeen million Americans—but it can be … more


For Baby Boomers, the gig economy is a great way to make money, meet people and learn new things. Amava, a platform dedicated to keeping its members active and socially engaged through flexible jobs, … more


149 words, 60 secondsHEALTH AWARENESSIf you or a loved one is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, you are not alone. Every year, sixty-thousand people are newly diagnosed. Nearly half leave the … more


When the weather is cold, many motorists wonder if they need to let their vehicle “warm up” or idle before driving. In fact, today’s modern cars are ready … more

Consumer Alert

Testing conducted by World Animal Protection—an organization that works to change animals’ lives for the better—and university researchers found antibiotic-resistant bacteria in … more

Social Security News And Notes

For the past twenty years, over one million individuals with disabilities have been able to pursue their financial independence through work … more

Managing Your Money

Financial problems in a marriage can be a significant factor in a couple’s decision to get a divorce, and the financial fallout from divorce can leave … more

A Delicious Way To Bring People Together

Sharing a meal with friends reinforces individual identity, and helps people develop empathy as views and perspectives other than their own … more

Car Care Corner

Vehicles need extra attention when the temperatures drop. The non-profit Car Care Council offers six quick tips: Keep the gas tank at least half full. Check the … more

Eye On Health

People with low vision have blind spots that can make it difficult to drive, read or see faces. These impairments cannot be corrected by surgery or glasses, but help … more

Pet Peeves

Bringing a new puppy home should be a positive and joyous experience. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to make sure they’re getting a pet from a reputable … more

Family Matters

Armed conflict, international disasters and migration can mean tragic separation for many families. But there is hope and you can be part of it. As part of the … more

News For Older Americans

Although most older adults want to live in their homes and communities for as long as possible, most homes weren’t built … more

Reconnecting Families

Have you been separated from a loved one by war, conflict, migration, or a natural disaster? The Red Cross and Red Crescent may be able to help. As … more

Fabulous Fruit

The delicious taste and health benefits of fresh strawberries can be enjoyed year round when you select frozen strawberries. That’s because the berries … more

Be Car Care Aware

You may notice, when the weather turns colder, the tire pressure monitoring system light on your dashboard lights up more frequently. The Car Care … more

Be Car Care Aware

Simple preventative maintenance will go a long way toward protecting your investment in a new car. more

Changes To Product Labels

If you’re like most shoppers, you consult the nutrition facts panel on food packages before you buy them. To make it easier for you to use this information when making food choices, the U-S Food and Drug Administration has developed a new Nutrition Facts Label. more

Health Awareness

Here’s news that should help the more than sixteen million Americans with chronic respiratory diseases—such as C-O-P-D—breathe easier: more

Heart Health

More than eight million American adults have a condition called heart valve disease, or H-V-D. It can strain the heart and inhibits blood circulation. more
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