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Major Changes Headed To A Product Label Near You
If you’re like most shoppers, you consult the nutrition facts panel on food packages before you buy them. To make it easier for you to use this information when making food choices, the U-S Food and Drug Administration has developed a new Nutrition Facts Label. One change is an increased print size for “Calories,” for “Serving Size” and “Servings per Package/Container.” Another is changing “Sugars” to “Total Sugars.” After all, healthful foods can contain sugar. This new designation, however, can help consumers understand the amount of sugar in the product from any source. The new label also lists “Added Sugars.” This can mean regular sugar, syrup, honey, and sugars from concentrated fruit or vegetable juices. Not included are sugar alcohols, or polyols, which provide sweet taste though they are not sugars. They’re carbohydrates that can be a lower-calorie alternative to sugar, explain the experts at the Calorie Control Council, a non profit association that seeks to provide objective, science-based communications about low-calorie foods and beverages.