139 results total, viewing 61 - 80
Healthy Aging

3 Safe Senior Exercise Options For Summer

(NAPS)—Sunshine and warm weather have many people thinking about new workout options. If you’re ready to kickstart your fitness routine—but want to do so safely—consider these three simple … more
Volunteer News And Notes

Rebuilding Small Businesses: Volunteers Wanted

(NAPSI)—If you or someone you know is a successful corporate executive with deep business knowledge; a social media maven who guided a corporate brand to big time success; a public speaker and … more
Texas Topics

Apartment Living Fosters Much Needed Sense Of Community

(NAPSI)—Communities are more than groups of people who live together in the same geographical area. In their truest sense, communities transcend the physical spaces they occupy to become places … more
Health News

New Hope for People with Alzheimer’s Disease

(NAPSI)—There could be promising news for the more than six million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease and the people who care for them.  The Problem  Although nearly … more
Entertaining Ideas

Understanding The Tradition Of ‘Trooping The Colours’

(NAPSI)—Imagine if you had to celebrate your birthday not on the actual day but on one decided by the government. Surprisingly, that’s just what happens to one of the most celebrated women in … more
Making Life More Fun

Baby Boomers Still Playing Together Even “Party Gaming” on Zoom

(NAPSI)—Over 70 million Baby Boomers grew up playing board games and watching game shows together—and they still love doing both.  A new pop culture trivia game is taking Boomers on a … more

Being 55+ Has Its Advantages

(NAPSI)—The 55-plus crowd is more active than ever, continuing to stay in the workforce longer, growing in numbers—to the tune of 73 million and counting—and exerting an even greater economic … more
Eye Care Corner

Cataract Surgery Saves An Avid Bowler’s Vision In Record Time

(NAPSI)—If you ever have trouble seeing your way clear to getting your eyes checked, here’s a case to consider: Genida White could tell her vision was gradually getting worse, but she … more
News Of Jobs

Working From Home With Ticket To Work

(NAPSI)—If you receive Social Security disability benefits and are interested in working from home, Social Security’s Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program may be able to help!  The Ticket … more
Veterans News & Notes

Free Professional Help For Family Caregivers

(NAPSI)—There is good news for many individuals who care for a loved one living with an injury or illness connected to military service. They’re now eligible for free professional … more
Planning Your Retirement

An IRS Incentive To Save For Retirement

(NAPSI)—Saving for retirement can be difficult in the best of times but even harder during the pandemic and challenging economy. One thing that can make it easier is the Saver’s Credit, a tax … more
Health Awareness

Managing Chronic Kidney Disease: Take Charge Of Your Health

(NAPSI)—Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious condition, affecting 15% of U.S. adults—an estimated 37 million Americans. Kidney disease can get worse over time and may lead to kidney failure … more
Retirement Facts & Figures

Protect Your Financial Future: How To Secure Your Dream Retirement

(NAPSI)—Many pre-retirees spend their lives putting the needs of their loved ones first. While the support you provide to family and friends is invaluable, it’s important to also prioritize … more
The Healthy Home

Keep Your Air Clean

(NAPSI)—People are increasingly concerned about dirt and germs these pandemic days, but many are neglecting an unseen area where airborne contaminants can lurk: the air ducts. Even in the … more
Managing Your Money

Three Surprising Ways To Save

(NAPSI)—According to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), there are currently about 77 million people age 60 and older in the U.S. Another 61 million, the U.S. Centers for Disease … more
Caregiver's Corner

COVID-19 And “Sandwich Generation” Caregivers

(NAPSI)—The Sandwich Generation, named for the population of Americans caring for both their school-aged children and an aging parent or other relative, has been uniquely affected by the COVID-19 … more
Eye On Health

Your Ophthalmologist Is Ready To See You

(NAPSI)—When ophthalmologist Ruth Williams, MD, opened her office after shutting down early in 2020 due to the pandemic, she was surprised to see how many people had developed serious eye problems … more
News For Older Americans

Social Engagement

(NAPSI)—Maintaining social connections and staying mentally and physically active is key to reducing social isolation and loneliness among older adults, particularly now during the COVID-19 … more
Planning For Your Financial Future

Why Long-Term Care Should Be A Retiree’s Top Concern

(NAPSI)—For many Boomers, retirement may involve taking vacations, taking up a new hobby, and spending more time with family, friends and the grandchildren.  In anticipation of these … more
Home Ideas

Managing Your House And Property Five Ways

(NAPSI)—The next time you look around your home, or that of your aging relatives, you may be astonished how much “stuff” accumulates over the years. Are there things—and the stories they … more
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