What Is Your Pet's Coat Telling You?


(NAPSA)—You can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can tell a lot about your pet’s internal health by its skin and coat. Several factors, including heredity and grooming, can affect skin and coat condition, but optimum nutrition plays an important role in the well-being of our dogs andcats. In fact, a shiny coat and healthy skin on the outside can be indicators of a healthy pet on the inside. “We all want our pets to look and feel happy and healthy,” said Dr. Dan Carey, a veterinarian and Director of Technical Communications for The Iams Company. “With our pets, exterior appearance can act as a mirror to their inner health and may give us a good idea of how theyarefeeling.” Now,all dry Iams Dog & Cat Foods are enhanced with vitaminrich fish oils to help achieve a healthy, vibrant coat that reflects good overall health. This new nutritional enhancement provides dogs and cats with essential nutri- ents for a healthy heart, liver, kidneys, and skin, as well as a shiny coat. “Fish oils provide high concentrations of nutrients that are integral to a quality balanced diet for dogs and cats,” Carey said. “The vitamin-rich fish oils in dry Iams Dog & Cat Foods results from the addition of fish meal, a source of high-quality protein and fat, which means added nutritional value for yourpet.” Healthy Shine You Can See Carey notes that the hair coat is composed almost entirely of protein, so, if a pet’s diet is inade- quate, hair and coat problems mayarise. “With the addition of these fish oils in their dog’s or cat’s diet, pet owners can recognize healthy skin and a more noticeable shine than ever before,” Carey says. To help monitor skin and coat health, Carey provides the following tips and encourages pet own- ers to do the three steps of the dog and cat coat check: 1. Observe your pet’s coat—Pet owners should check their pets often for: Excessive hair loss Unusualitching Raw or sore spots (“hot” spots) Greasy skin Brittle hair Talk to your veterinarian if you suspect your pet has a skin or coat problem. Your veterinarian can help you develop a routine to keep your pet’s skin healthy and coat shiny and luxurious. 2. Keep diet in check—Because the skin keeps nutrients (such as water) from escaping or harmful bacteria and viruses from entering the body, feeding a quality pet food is key to building and maintaining your dog’s or cat’s skin and coat health. Vitamin-rich fish oils add luster and shine to the coat, while protein helps maintain healthy hair growth. Certain fatty acids play a critical role in skin and coat health, and research showsit is not the amount, but rather a bal- ance, of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids that is important. 3. Work on the “outer” pet— Regular grooming removes loose hair, dirt, and mats and also dis- tributes skin oils. Grooming gives you a chance to check your pet closely, catching any skin problems early...plus, your animal will love the attention! Don’t use human shampoos when bathing your dog or cat; instead, use a mild pet shampoo, and keep a brush, flea comb, and nail clippers handyfor use after the bath. “The skin and coat truly are reflections of the pet’s inner health,” said Carey. “By following the guidelines of the coat check, owners can do their part to keep their pet shiny outside and healthyinside. About Iams For more than 50 years, The Iams Company has enhanced the health and well-being of dogs and cats by providing world-class quality foods. To learn more about Eukanuba*and Iams Dog & Cat Foods, the Eukanuba Vet- erinary Diets™ line of canine and feline therapeutic diets, or general pet care and nutrition information, call the Iams Pet Professionals at 1-800-863-4267. You also can visit Iams on the Web at Www.iams.com.