Protecting Women From Severe Illness Due To  COVID19

Top Women’s Health Awareness Stories Of The Decade


Protecting Women From Severe Illness Due To  COVID19
Top Women’s Health Awareness Stories Of The Decade

By Dorothy York, President and CEO of North American Precis Syndicate (NAPS)

Women are less at risk than men of contracting the COVID19 virus and there are fewer cases in women than in men but are at increased risk, if they have some underlying conditions. According to the CDC, all people are at increased risk of severe illness if they have conditions such as chronic lung disease or asthma, serious heart conditions, diabetes, obesity or have conditions that cause them to be immunocompromised, such as cancer treatments, or poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, or if they are over 65.

Prevention and treatment of underlying issues may help to protect women, and men, from viral effects which have been potentially deadly.  Early diagnosis which can lead to prompt treatment, can more easily be achieved if symptoms are recognized in time.
Public education, resulting in greater awareness, can be a big step towards helping millions who are at risk.

To help our clients choose formats that are getting the best results, North American Precis Syndicate ranks the top feature news stories of the year by the highest number of placements in media outlets nationwide.  We have compiled the results to show the top feature news stories of the decade, those that have performed brilliantly, way above and beyond what is typically expected.

The most successful stories included attractive color photos or infographics, helpful advice from experts, celebrity spokespeople, the latest statistics, results from surveys, trends, time-saving tips, money saving ideas and other helpful information.  The stories targeted people across various demographic groups and related to safe, enjoyable and prosperous experiences, protecting the health, and assets, of the readers, their friends and family members.

We are passionate about working on the kinds of stories that help millions of people nationwide with the news that is potentially life saving or can improve the quality of their lives.

To name a few, here are examples of the top women’s health stories, including some that were top of the decade. Those mentioned are about COPD, asthma, cardiovascular health, diabetes, obesity, cancer and HIV/AIDS. These are from some of the best and brightest health  communications professionals for some of the most demanding management teams at leading organizations:

1- Pulmonx: “Health Bulletin: New Clinical Trial Offers Hope To COPD Patients”

A new hope was offered for the nearly five million Americans suffering from emphysema, an advanced form of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder). A minimally invasive investigative treatment was said to possibly enable better breathing and quality of life without surgery.  Stats were given about success abroad and readers were encouraged to consider participating in clinical trials, if eligible.

2-Teladoc: “Health Awareness/ What To Do About The Flu”

Readers were encouraged to consult their doctor if they had symptoms such as fever, aches or nasal congestion.  CDC stats were offered, indicating flu was responsible for 700,000 hospitalizations and 55,000 deaths in the previous seven years.  One doctor was quotes as saying that “without  proper care, the flu can be life threatening...” and readers were alerted about a mobile app for virtual care to help keep people out of the ER which could be a breeding ground for illness if visited by symptomatic patients.

3- American Heart Association: “Women’s Health/ Will High Cholesterol Affect Pregnancy?”

To create an awareness of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), especially in pregnant women, tips were given from an OB/GYN doctor.  Compelling stats were given, including that 30% of untreated women will have a heart attack before they turn 60.

4- NIH/NIDDK/NHLBI: “Health Awareness/ Manage Your Blood Pressure And Protect Your Kidneys”

Readers were encouraged to get their blood pressure checked regularly to protect them from kidney disease.  Compelling stats from the CDC were given, including that one in five adults with high blood pressure may have chronic kidney disease.  Tips were given to help lower blood pressure.

5- National Kidney Foundation (NKF): “You Could Be Part Of The 33 Percent”

Compelling stats indicated that 37 million adults are estimated to have chronic kidney disease, 90% aren’t aware of it, and one in three are at risk.  Those at risk were said to include people with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and a family history of kidney disease.  The CEO of NKF was quoted during National Kidney Month and readers were informed what to do about being in the 33%.

6- Genetic Technologies/GeneType/BREVAGen: “Your Family Is Priority Number One; Taking Care Of Your Health Needs To Be Too”

For mother’ day, readers were alerted that knowing your risk of breast cancer is one way to help reduce it.  Mothers were encouraged to take steps to help assure that they would be there for their children and celebrate them along the way for years to come.  Alarming stats were included, indicating that one in eight women would be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime and that survival rates for those whose cancer is detected early is 95%.

7- CDC: “Health Awareness/ Preventing Cancer Isn’t Just My Job — It’s My Health, Too!”

This by-lined article by an oncologist, who was the director of the CDC Division of Cancer Prevention, encouraged readers over 50 to get screened for colorectal cancer, and alerted people about several screening tests that we all need to remember including Pap tests, lung cancer screening.  Compelling stats were included, indicating that five million people were treated for skin cancer every year.

8- College of American Pathologists: “Genetic Testing And The Nature Of Beauty”

Readers were alerted that how much you know about your family history could be important for more than just sentimental reasons.  A doctor was quoted about the surgeries that Angelina Jolie took to prevent breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

9- ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncologists)/NCI (National Cancer Institute): “Health Awareness/ Our Journey To Conquer Cancer Needs More Fuel”

This by-lined article, by the President of ASCO, alerted readers about 50 years of progress against cancer that had been made possible because of our nation’s extraordinarily generous and enduring commitment to cancer research.  As Congress was considering how much funding to provide to NCI, which supports the bulk of federally funded cancer research, it was pointed out that NCI does research private industry has little incentive to conduct, such as prevention and screening, to help make the U. S. the global leader in new cancer treatments.

10- AHCC: “What Can Women Learn From Angelina Jolie’s Surgeries?”

This by-lined article by a surgeon who is one of the leading authorities on cancer prevention, offered tips to help strengthen your immune system and reduce your risk of cancers by up to 200%, including natural strategies.  Angelina Jolie, who had lost her grandmother and aunt to a hereditary form of cancer, said that there is no one way to treat cancer because each case is different.  Risk factors for the kind of surgery she had were included.

11- U. S. Preventive Services Task Force: “Let’s Talk About Sex — And Screening”

Women were encourage to have a conversation with their doctor, even embarrassing infections, to help protect their health.  Stats were provided from the CDC indicating about 20 million cases of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) occur each year and about half of these cases are in young people aged 15 to 24.  Some of the most common of the 20 types of STIs were listed, along with the number of people affected, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and HIV/AIDS.

12- U. S. Preventive Services Task Force: “Pointers For Mothers To Be/ Preparing For Motherhood/ How To Protect Your Health And Your Growing Baby”

For pregnant women, an awareness was created about what science says about preventing common conditions that can emerge during pregnancy and about daily supplements that can support a baby’s development.  The importance of protecting a mom’s health during pregnancy was emphasized, indicating what expectant moms can do, including taking folic acid, monitoring blood pressure, and screening for gestational diabetes and infections.

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