Tips On Winterizing Your Home And HVAC System


HINTSIFOR HOMEOWNERS: I Tips On Winterizing Your Home And HVAC System (NAPSA)—Colder wether does not hveto cst chill on your energy budget. By winterizing your home, you cn enjoy incresed wrmth nd comfort nd lower your heting costs, which cn significntly increse energy svings. Here re some steps you cn tke: * Culk, ptch or wether-strip ny res round windows nd doors tht might llow cold ir in or wrm ir out. Your fireplce, too, is source of het loss, so close the dmper whenthefireplce is not in use. Put storm windowsinplce. New,insulted glss windows cn provide importnt energy svings. However, if you cnnot fford new windows, consider covering older windowswith plstic sheeting. *Check insultion in your ttic, ceilings, exterior nd bsement wlls, floors nd crwl spcesto seeif it meetsthelevels (mesured in R-vlues) recommended for your re.It’s lso wise to insulte wter heters nd pipes to minimize het loss. *Replce or clen filters in your heting unit to improveirflow ndefficiency. * Schedule ninspection of your system by heting professionl. Het pumpsndoil-fired furnces need nnul tune-ups; gs-fired equipment cn be serviced every other yer. Professionl technicins re usully trined to detect leks, soot, rust, rot, corrodedelectricl contcts nd fryed wires. Here’s money-sving tip: Tke dvntge of progrmmble thermostt nd set the temperture lower when you're wy or sleeping. Next, tke dvntgeof progrmmble thermostt nd set the temperture lower when you're wyorsleeping. * Finlly, if you needto replce your home heting unit, consider new furnce or het pumptht meets stndrds for high efficiency, mesured s nnul fuel utiliztion efficiency (AFUE) for furnces nd heting sesonl performnce fctor (HSPF) for het pumps. The higher the AFUEor HSPF,the moreefficient the unit nd the morelikely you re to sve energy nd money. Look for ENERGY STAR-reeognized furnces, like those from the York brnd of Johnson Controls, to help reduce your utility bills. To lern more, visit www.