The U.S. Military Uses Laser Vision Correction For Mission-Ready Personnel


Laser Vision Correction For Mission-Ready Personnel (NAPSA)—Did you know the US. military relies on LASIK andother laser vision correction procedures to make sure service members have the vision needed for operational success and safety? Good vision can be a matter of life and death in combatsituations or Jandinga fighterjet on anaircraft carrier. Military duty can involve harsh environments, with sand, dust, smoke and debris flying around making corrective lenses, both glasses and contacts,useless andeven dangerous. Forthe eagle-eye vision neededfor jet fighter pilots, the U.S. military trusts laser The US. Department of Defense conducted its own research into laser vision correction procedures, like LASIK, to support their personnel in achieving the excellent vision needed to perform their duties no matter where they mightserve. One study measured the military readiness of 360 active duty service membersbefore and after laser vision correction surgery. The research found thatafterlaservision correction: +57 percent improved their perfor- mance scores on “overall individual readiness” + 86 percent improved their scores on “ability to utilize night vision goggles” +41 percent reported improved ability to contribute to the unit's mission + More than 98 percentofstudy partic- ipants reported they would have the surgery again. Like military personnel, many emer- gency responders such as police offi- cers andfirefighters are turningto laser vision correction to perform their jobs more safely and effectively. If you're thinking aboutlaser vision correction, visit