Top Women In Business Stories Of The Decade

The Future Of Women In Leadership Positions


By Dorothy York, President and CEO of North American Precis Syndicate (NAPS)

Women have been successfully rising up in business at unprecedented rates, and are realizing their potential like never before. 

Women’s right to vote, always dreamt of, was finally won in America100 years ago, August 26th, 1920, with the passage of the 19th Amendment. The rights women fought for and the responsibilities that they have assumed, have given women equal authority and the just share of determination of policy, along with the grave duty which accompanies that privilege. Women in positions of control have faced a major test of the ability to meet their responsibilities under challenging circumstances. 

Women’s place is no longer only in the home.  It is also in leadership positions in businesses, nonprofit organizations, associations, and in the government. Young leaders in the feminist movement have been speaking eloquently, and are a major force in the battle to defend and extend democracy. 

Many have been drawing inspiration from successful women leaders, to use the freedom we have won, to defend the freedom of all. Many bold women are showing they have a heart, a job they like to do, and a promising future. 

I am proud of the work our team has done to help women to prosper and thrive in the business world.  Here are some of our top stories that have helped women in business:

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