Testing Can Identify Lyme Disease, A Big Threat To Dogs


Testing Can Identify Lyme Disease, A Big Threat To Dogs (MAPSAD—Many Americans doggedly combat licks carrying etlbris that causeLyme dccane indoge: Az the beled proving Uichsttapemilled disenee in may he United States, Lyme decane Threaten the health af 10humane lime azFortunately many dage al does = Goble new diagnostic [Stibraaninee “SaamaedingDiscase (a esperts with and the enleler Ganlral Prevention TeB00 crocs (EDO), af Lyremare diseasethanIn bath duringcrparte reparcd CBC ware1905nd people Fase and believe: themyedisease teSlraiher, under: raporied” dan ea“Suds conducted in Connsci= cul and Marjland found ansel fealed to12 unspariad Sos Fee-eacheenreported see, Unfortar nalays al much gresler Flor dogeare lyme deease ano pe Die living in esac ar” New York “teema) *Pennaglvania iNew derwey Mary nd ‘Maesclahum a ‘Rhee laeti nd ‘Wiaconsin ‘Minmemata SDdaware Pieeen Virginia &| fos been raparled in Lyme every dtsaes ste exptAlaa. Vel Stinsrlans roommend Lecling Suge fr the conditionin every Sins hat hawtice, * "oe ‘Aqult female, male ane engerged temsieadut deertex, the tlek species teeponeloie arming tymedleeaee. for ‘Lyme dissam & used by= tecleruy ound erinspecee clicks "The disse i trove IM when anarniet lick bile Th3 dog, person ather mammal fk remavedquicly thedays.ekTcke ede For ae fang ae four trust byalached foraflost 24te our tolors the baclerium parted Sia many areas ofthe alsunt, plz are od and ther people Erslelotigh nakelexpacure from April ig Movember Strather bles, mestative This time“ike whenSrapouple and theirSt mare lime spending pele arsauloor Engine activites eA number ot clesrickhows com Lsbulal fp icrsaed ofLee diesose," che cortinuee. “Theos include 2 Taras lick pepulation resulling sxpanealiat popula the US.an deve in fram Inenee Mans crea! raeeniom ecerdd foroelaren covers andreduced hunting in ame continued subu Eon eprael-mareSuburban Brought dage nia living rome hae re sriate the Uckesnd by (queried ht scrye as esi or rssroie oP diesen ‘The mast Signa comman signe of Lyme discase inUmenarsthalIte dagearecesurent Silbeiie and Ferny (a four daye ome limos withthreetae ol apie sed depresinn. Dog owner should earirg signe Sudbe Searwalhve asp afames shae inceoceurcnes tovara sl pinta pain in warm,or avalpnt: gall the tege throughout the Fever gus; lalappatite,toy ard Ewallen Ipoh nodes The signe teay Gn samemis andgemany ary offer intensity ed cond Ue Tipe dimes iesuspeced| ised latathedg amit‘New TextAvailable Velerinarimncan peviarm 2 simple blood leet that sereene ge simultaneaucly for earl= worm disese, Lyme discase ahd SRichiwtey atather epidly Emerging lick-iranemilied die SES HNS naw ics dagrastc {eal rap’SDs, manufacture! by Toeix Leberatarios, Tne takes rly“hice eightminutes sclerinarine recammerd testing for Lyme dieasae in The3 spring and fll whatherorml Ek fheboon fl an yourit dog Slrother says. "Krowirg yourla eal figed haw been soranad Upme disease provides peaceeslof rind. Adog witha pasiive auljouoypol devlopthe Semen, Bat aed your veternaran wil row to watch for pamible igre kenwlaige erlythe greats That St ‘Strother bsnchvalbe ew incline teal” dog own encwurages era lnhavingthei tek iheie valerinaione staal agedontleat, ted for Ljme disease. Thyou find youaedaoLyme Alo, adohw. Zul foore about Lick2 Disaoe st weelymelesloon