Suspect Stroke? Call 911


Suspect Stroke? Call 911 (NAPSA)—A stroke can happen to anyone,of any age,at any time, soit's B stroke', The condition, also knownas a “brain attack’ is the fifth leading cause @ E Checkervon oes important for everyone to learn and understand the signs and symptoms of of death in the UnitedStates andaffects more than 795,000 people each year. Stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen to the brain is blocked by plaque (acute ischemic stroke) or ruptures andbleeds (hemor- thagic stroke)’. Whenit comesto treating stroke, every 10 minutes can save morethan 20 million braincells’. That's whyitis crucialto recognize the signsof stroke and act with urgency.If you suspect stroke, call 911 immediately and seek medicalattention. Learnthesignstohelp makeadifference In more than 60 percent of stroke cases, someone other than the patient made the decision to seek immediate treatment’. The signs of stroke can be subtle and hard to recognize, so educating yourselfandothers is key to noticing and responding quickly to the sudden Seamphediainetioneiadiinen ar, F wy Pr DA , 2S oT csrernontony @ BE FAST whenyoususpecta stroke. Recognizing the signs and calling 911 can help a loved one get the medicalattention heor she needs”. tory, are out of your control, there are many factors that you can manageto help reduce the chancesof having a stroke’. Manageable risk factors of stroke include high bloodpressure, atrial fibril- onsetof one or more of them. You might know the BE FASTsignsof stroke but lation (AFib), high cholesterol, smok- identify all 10 signs and symptoms? healthy lifestyle choices, not smoking or would you oryourloved ones beable to PENA RENE . Confusion Difficulty Understanding Dizziness Lossof Balance Numbness Severe Headache Trouble Speaking Trouble Walking Vision Changes 10. Weakness* Morethan 6.5 million people in the United States are stroke survivors. If youexperience a sudden onset ofany of these symptoms or recognize the signs in someoneelse, don't waitto seek help. Its okay to overreact because whenit comesto stroke, the right care—right away—has thepotential to save lives. Who'satrisk? Whilecertain risk factors of stroke, including age,race, genderor family his- ing, diabetes, poorcirculation,lack of physicalactivity, and obesity*. Choosing using tobacco products,limiting alcohol consumption and exercising regularly can help greatly reduce your stroke risk’. Educating yourself on the signs, symptoms and risk factors of stroke, and empoweringothers to dothe same, can makeall the difference for someone experiencing a stroke. Trust your instincts and take action. Your quick action can help improve treatment and recoveryfrom stroke. To learn more aboutstroke and how to recognize all 10 signs and symptoms, visit BE FAST was developed by Intermountain Healthcare, as an adaptation of the FAST model implemented by the American Stroke Association. Repro- duced with permission from Intermountain Healthcare. 2011 Intermountain Healthcare.All rights reserved. 1. Stroke 101 Fact Sheet. National Stroke Association. Retrieved April 5, 2019 from hitps:// nnsam-2017_stroke-101_v3_aq_pdfversion/ 2 Brain Attack Fact Sheet 2018. National Stroke Asvociation. Retrieved April 5, 2019 from https// brain-attack-fact-sheet_2018/ 3.Benjamin, EJ. (2017, January 25). Heart Disease and Stroke Statstcs—2017 Update:A Report. RetrievedApril, 2019, _from htips:/ 4.Stroke WaringSigns andSymptoms. RetrievedApril5, 2019from htip://{ngSigns/Stroke-Warning Signs-and Symptoms_UCM_308528_SubFlomePagejsp ‘5.Survivors. NationalStroke Association, RetrievedApril 5, 2019from https://www.stroke orghve-can-help/survivors/ 6. About Stroke Treatment. Retrieved on April 5, 2019from ‘Treatment/StrokeTreatment_UCM_492017_SubFfomePagejsp 7. Family History and Other Characteristics That Increase Risk for Stroke. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. RetrievedApril5, 2019fram hitps//wwwcdcgov'strokefemily_history.htmn 8, Behaviors ThatIncrease Riskfr Stroke. Centersfor Disease Control andPrevention. RetrievedApril5, 2019from https:// wwweagov/strokebehaviorhtm