Survey Offers Insight On Coping With Advanced Prostate Cancer


(NAPSA)}There’s hopeful news for the estimated 2.5 million Ameri- can men who are currently living with prostate cancer.’ Recent stud- ies and analyses have demonstrated that men with advanced prostate cancer are now living longer than ever.” While this is encouraging, managing the disease over a longer period of time may create physical ADVANCED PROSTATE CANCER and emotional burdens for both patients andtheir caregivers. ANew National Survey A recent national survey of 43% advanced prostate cancer patients and caregivers of men with advanced prostate cancer” sheds light on someof the needs, con- yg CTs) cerns and priorities related to cop- ing with the disease. Astellas Pharma US, Inc. and Medivation, Inc. commissioned the Advanced Prostate Cancer Patient and Care- giver Burden of Illness Survey through the research firm Harris Interactive, and sponsored four leading cancer advocacy and edu- cation organizations to collaborate on the initiative: the Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW), CancerCare, Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN), and Us TOO Prostate Cancer Educa- tion and Support Network. A total of 91 men age 60+ with advanced prostate cancer and 100 caregivers of men with advanced prostate cancer completed the survey. Patient Concerns Patient respondents expressed concern around their ability to continue living their lives fully and about becoming a burden. Sixty- three percent of patients who participated in the survey said they are concerned or very concerned about their ability to continue participatingin the activities they enjoy, and 59 percent express this samelevel of concern around becoming a burden to their family and friends. By comparison, 43 percent of patient respondents have the samelevel of concern about dying. Patients who participated in the survey also expressed loneliness and feelings of isolation. Forty-one percent of patient. par- Source: The Advanced Prostate CancerPatient and Caregiver BurdenofIllness Study conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of Astellas Pharma US,Inc. and Medivation,Inc. A total Oe ueeee eeeeCce prostate cancer completed the survey. ticipants said they donot feel like people understand what they are going through in terms of manag- ing and treating their prostate cancer, and 45 percent report they keep silent about their prostate cancer and treatments. Caregiver Concerns Caregivers who participated in the survey (wives, partners, daughters, sons, etc.) expressed a high degree of stress associated with their roles. Eighty-five per- cent reported that caring for someone with prostate cancer cre- better support them as they cope with the disease over a greater number of years,” said Rosalie Canosa, program division director, CancerCare. Caregivers also expressed anx- iety about their long-term caregiving responsibilities. The average caregiving duration reported by survey participants was nearly five years. Among the caregivers surveyed, 73 percent. said they are concerned or very concerned about their ability to continue providing care over a long periodoftime. “These findings suggest that patient’s well-being, and 73 percent said there are days when patients and caregivers could benthey feel overwhelmed caring for efit from more comprehensive someone with advanced prostate support and a forum in which to cancer. Interestingly, caregivers share their true feelings about the ates stress/anxiety related to their whoparticipated in the survey are disease,” said Canosa. “We encour- tional health. services and resources available from CancerCare or for more information about The Advanced more concerned about helping age men with advanced prostate their loved one cope with the cancer and their caregivers to physical and emotional effects of seek support to help them feel advanced disease than they are heard and understood.” about their own physical or emoTo access information about the “This survey provides valuable, quantitative information about the current experience of a group of patients and caregivers in the United States, and will help us Prostate Cancer Patient and Caregiver Burdenof Illness Sur- vey, contact CancerCare. i American Cancer Society: What are the key statistics about prostate cancer? Available at httpd//www: cancer org/cancer/prostatacancer/detailedguide'prostatecancer-key-statistics, Accessed August 5, 2013. ii Omlin, A. et. al. Improved Survival in a Cohort of Trial Participants with Metastatic Castrationresistant Prostate Cancer Demonstrates the Needfor “Updated Prognostic Nomograms. Euro Ure 84: 2. August 2013 iti Mukherji, D. et. al. New treatmentdevelopments applied to elderly patients with advanced prostate cancer. Can Trtmnt Rev. 29:578-873. 2018 iv For the purposes ofthis survay ‘advanced’disease was defined as prostate cancer that has been or is being treated with at least one course of hormone therapy and has continued to progress (i.e., castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)). “Caregiver” was defmed as anyone in regular contact with qualified patients ‘who assist with their care andior help them make treatment decisions, 013H-076-8690 10/13