Support For People With Disabilities On The Journey To Work


On The Journey To Work (NAPSA)—About 40.7 million Americans have some kind of disability, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. If you or someone you care about has disability, you may wonder whatit means for employment. You may be encouragedto know thatthere are supportsandservicesavailable that can help you or yourloved ones pursue work and reach yourgoals through Social Security's Ticket to (Ticket) program. Ticket To Work Program Work ‘The Ticket program supports career development for people ages 18 through 64 whoreceive SocialSecurity disability benefits and wantto work. This program is free and voluntary. Program participants select a service provider to help them preparefor, and find, a job. The provider maybe State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency or an Employ- ment Network (EN)—a public orprivate organization that has an agreementwith Social Security—tooffer: + Career planning + Job placementassistance + Ongoing employmentsupport. Social Security may havetheticket to success you need on the path to work. the obstacles and learn more about the resources available to you. This could include Social Security WorkIncentives, which are designed to help you transition to the workplace. A Benefits Counselor can help you learn more about Work Incentives, including which ones you qualify for, and discuss how working will affect your benefits. If you connectwith an EN, the EN. ‘These career development services can help you find answers to ques- and supportsare uniqueto each individual. Participants work with their service providers to develop a customized plan and identify the supports they need to tions, whether they’re aboutreporting yourwagesto Social Security, request- Finding A Path To Financial Independence With the knowledge, support and services of a Ticket to Workservice pro- reach their work goals. ‘The road to financial independence looks different for everyone. Whether joining the workforce forthefirst time orreturningafter a difficult diagnosis, there are challenges that each person must navigate. Working with a Benefits Counselor and Ticket to Work service ing job accommodations, or even how you can advance yourcareer to earn even more money. vider, you may findyourself on the path to success and financial independence through work. Learn More For further information about the Ticket program,call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 or 1-866- provider can help you remove some of 833-2967 (TTY) Monday through Friday.