Supplements Health Warning


Sport Supplement Health Warning (NAPSA)-—With uggetive name like Animal Max, Teen Advantage Creatine and Ripped Fuel, port upplement can now be purchaed readily at many tore and online. Lured by claim of better bodie and athletic performance, more and more teenager are turning to thee over-the- counter ubtance. A recent tudy foundix percent of youngter aged 15 and 16 and eight percent of 17- and 18year-old have taken a port upplement. About one in four aid they knew omeone who took the product. While maker claim thee pill, drink and powder are harmle, the government doe not regulate them and there are no reliable tudie proving their long-term afety. “The tandard of medical ethic would never allow the experiment that i being conducted on our nation’ children,” aid Bernard Grieemer, M.D., 2 pediatric port medicine pecialit. “Unregulated dietary upplement uch a andro may be cauing harm to children and teen, but today’ uer may not feel the full effect of that harm until they are adult.” To provide reliable information to young athlete, parent and coache, the Bhie Cro and Blue Shield Aociation ha publihed at a lit of ome of the mot widely marketed port upplement that contain potentially harmful ubtance. They contain one of three ingredient that may caue health problem. Thee are: * Androtenedione (andro) i ued in the hope of increaing mucle ize. Tt can caue premature puberty and tunted growth in adolecent; protate trouble, feminization and large breat in men; and increae the rik of heart dieae by ten to 15 percent in Sport upplement may poe health danger to young athicte, medical expert warn. everyone, becaue it lower level of the “good” choleterol, HDL. A tudy im the Journal of the Amertcan Medical Aociation found andro hadno affect on the abihty to gain trength and mucle. Creatine, taken to imereae energy, may lead to weight gain, mainly in the form of retained water, and may caue mucle cramp and kidney problem. According to a Mount Sinai School of Medicine tudy, 44 pereent of high chool enior athlote report uing creatine. * Ephedra (Ma Huang), i an herbal timulant that act like “peed” and may caue heart prob- lem. The FDA war that ephedra may have been reponible for everal death and hundred of injurie. “The Blue Cro and Blue Shield Aociation created www. a a place to go for reliable information about a growing problem for teenager, the preure to take potentially dangerou uppilement to do better in port,” aid Allan Koro, M.D., medical director for the Healthy Competition Foundation. “We give people the tool they need to encourage healthy choice and fair play for everyone.”