Snow Thrower Usage: Questions To Help You Keep Safety In Mind


Questions To Help You Keep Safety In Mind (NAPSA)—Clearing driveways, sidewalks and parking lots of snow is no small job but homeand business owners can keepsafety in mind. “Get your snow thrower serviced now, before repair shops are busy. Weather is more unpredictable than ever so you wantto beready,” advises Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPE!)president and CEO Kris Kiser. “Review your owner's manual so you Forsafety’s sake, make sure your snow thrower aimed properly. tect your power. Gasoline-powered snowthrowers should use E10 orless.” Snow can hide objects. Doormats, hoses, balls, toys, boards, wires and other debris should be removed from the areas youintendtoclear. can use your equipmentsafely, and have therightfuel on hand. Remember, pro‘These hints can help: Getting Ready Have you read your owner’s manual? Read up for safe handling procedures. If you lost your manual, you can lookit up online (and store a copy on your computer). Review how to operate the controls. Be able to shut off your equipmentquickly. Haveyou checked your equipment Are you dressed properly? Locate your safety gear and place it in an accessible location. Plan to wearsafety glasses, gloves and footwear that can handlecold and slippery surfaces. Operating Snow Throwers Safely— Questions to Ask Do you have a clean-out tool or stick? NEVER put your hands inside sincestoring it? Make sure equipment the auger or chute. Use a clean-out tool ingit over.If you forgotto drain the fuel before storing, drain the gas tank. Adjust your snow thrower. is completely powered off when check- anycables and check the auger—again whenthe equipmentis poweredoff. Did you put your equipment where you can get to it easily? Move your equipmentto a convenientand accessible location. Haveyou purchased therightfuel? Besureto use the correct fuel, as recom- mended by your equipment’s manufac- turer (for more information, see www. gaso- line in a fuel containerandlabelit with the date purchased andethanolcontent. Use only fresh fuel and makesure fuel is stored safely and out ofthe reach of children. ‘Are you fuelingsafely? Fill up the fuel tank on your snow throweroutside while the engineis cold. Never add fuel to a runningorhotengine. (orstick) to unclog snow ordebris from Doyou turn offyour snow thrower if you needto clear a clog? Alwaysturn off your snow thrower and wait for all movingparts to come to a complete stop before clearing any clogs ordebris. Doyou use your snow throwerin visible conditions? Never operate the snow thrower without goodvisibility or light. Can you aim your snow thrower with care? Never throw snow toward people orcars. Do notallow anyoneto stand in front of your snow thrower. Keep children andpets away from your snow thrower whenitis operating. Will you use extreme caution on slopesandhills? Do not attemptto clear steep slopes. Use caution when changingdirections onslopes orinclines. ‘Do you know where yourcordis? If you have an electric-powered snow ‘Are batteries charged? If using thrower, be aware of where the power a battery or electric-powered snow thrower, make sure batteries are fully charged. Is the area you intendto clearfree of obstructions or hidden obstacles? cordis at all times. Avoid tripping. Do notrun overthe powercord. Learn More Forfurther safety tips and informa- tion, visit