Small Changes Can Mean Big Differences In Blood Pressure Control


In Blood Pressure Control (NAPSA)—Almost half of the US. adult population has high blood pres- sure—that’s any readingat or above 130 for the top numberor80 for the bottom number. If you find yourself amongthem,it may be wise to consider fourlifestyle evaluation questions: 1. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables? 2. How much salt do you take in? 3. Are you at least moderately active for half an houra day? 4. Are you at a healthy weight for yourheight? What To Do If yourassessmentreveals room for improvement, Michael Hochman, M.D., MPH,a Los Angeles physician and pro- fessorat the Keck Schoolof Medicine at the University of Southern California, has an encouraging message for you: “Knowthis: Small changes can makebig differences. You don’t have to overhaul everything you do and eat. Tracking yourblood pressure betweenhealth care visits lets you easily stay on top of your health. In 10 minutesorless, you can check your numbers. Ifyou arelearning for thefirst time that your blood pres- A growing numberof people are becoming aware oftherisks of having high bloodpressure and the need to makechangesto reducethe chances of a heart attack or stroke. + Reducing sodium intake by 1,500 mg (3/4 of a teaspoon)perday can result in lowering systolic pressure 5 to 6 mmHg +A 10-pound weight loss could lower systolic bloodpressure by 5 mmHg. Little-KnownBPRaisers If you do have high BP, consult yourhealth care provider or pharmacist about the safety of your over-thecounter medicines. Some OTC pain relievers, known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs—suchas naproxen andibu- profen—mayraise bloodpressure. Acet- aminophen maybea better choice for sure is creeping upward, small changes pain. Drugstore cold and flu medicines in your lifestyle—a bit more physicalactivity, a few more fruits and vegetables—could mean the difference between lowvs.highrisk for heart diseaseorstroke” Here are some hints to help you that contain decongestants can also 15-20 minutes of moderate aerobic Monitoring at homecan help con- makethose small changes: raise bloodpressure. To avoid these BP raisers, read medication labels and discuss alternative pain, fever or cold medicine with your doctor. A quick guide to BPraisersis at Take It Home numberin your bloodpressure read- firm a diagnosis and determine how well your lifestyle changes and medica- mmHg pressure. activity per day can reduce the top ing,called systolic pressure, by 5 to 8 tions are working to reduce your blood