See Your Eye Doctor


of (NAPSA)—During =a See Your Eye Doctor May, the National Eye Institutes (NEI) Healthy Vision Month—oranytime—it's impor- tant to keep your eye on your vision health. After all, the NEI, part of the NationalInstitutes of Health, points out that your eyes deliver 80 percent of the information youtake in every day. Keep Your Eyes Healthy To help, Henry Schein Medical and thalmologist about eight suggestions Mostvision problems are preventable. Proper eye care can set you up fora lifetime of seeingwell. + Get an eye exam: Manyserious eye newsolutionsavailable to doctors from not know it. Plus, you may notrealize you couldseebetter than you do. Getting 100 Imager care delivery model, helps preserve the vision ofpatients with dia- best way to stay on top ofyour eyehealth. exam during routine primary care vis- tory: Manyeye diseases run in families. while lowering costs using affordable Welch Allyn encouragepatients to talk to their primary care physician and ophoffered by NEI: diseases don’t have any warning signs— so you could have an eye problem and a comprehensivedilated eye exam is the + Knowyour family’s eye health his- Talk to your relatives about their eye health. Protect your eyes—at work and play: About2,000 people in the United States get a serious work-related eye injury each day. People with sports-re- lated eyeinjuries end up in the ER every 13 minutes. Wear protective eyewear, suchas safety glasses, goggles and safety shields. + Give your eyes a rest: If you spend lot of timeat the computer (or focusing on another specific thing), you may some- timesforget to blink—whichcan tire out your eyes, Trythe 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, lookaway and focusabout 20 feet in front ofyou for 20 seconds. + Wearsunglasses (even on cloudy days): They can protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Get a pair that blocks outat least 99 percentof both UVA and UVBradiation. Eat eye-healthy foods: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables—espe- cially dark leafy greens, such as spin- ach or kale—is important for keeping youreyes healthy. Researchalso shows thatfish high in omega-3 fatty acids— salmon, tuna and halibut—can help protect your vision. Stay at a healthy weight: If you're overweightor obese, you're more likely to develop diabetes and other health problemsthatcan lead to visionloss. Get plenty of physical activity: Regular physical activity can protect youfrom serious eyedisease. To help makeeye health care easier for everyone,and advance vision health education, patients can benefit from HenrySchein Medical. One, the Welch Allyn RetinaVue* betes with a simple five-minute eye its. Providers improve patient outcomes retinal cameras, HIPAA-compliant, FDA- cleared RetinaVue Networksoftware, and remoteinterpretation by board-certified ophthalmologists. The other, the Welch Allyn Spot™ Vision Screener, is an instrument-based screening device that can help physicians detect early signs of nearsightedness, farsightedness, blurred vision, unequalrefractive power, eye misalignment and unequal pupil size among childrenas youngas 6 monthsold. The handheld screener uses lights and sounds to help engage children and can scan patients’ eyes in seconds from three feet away, for a noninva- sive experience for children who may beless comfortable than adult patients during vision screenings. The device detectslight reflexes from theretina to estimaterefractive error and ocular misalignments, so practitioners can detect abnormalities quickly and accurately. ‘There's no need to wait until children can read an eye chart. Explained Sean Donahue, M.D., Ph.D., a pediatric ophthalmologist at Vanderbilt University, “Instrument-based vision screening of preschoolchildren is an established and extremely cost-effective means of detecting the most com- monproblems that would otherwise produce permanentvisual impairment” Learn More For more information about Healthy Vision Month and other resources, see For doc- tors interested to learn more about the devices, visit us-en/medical orcall (800) 535-6663.