Roofing Solutions To Environmental Concerns


Improving Our Climate 3M™ Smog-reducing Granules Roofing Solutions To Environmental Concerns (NAPSA)—More and more Ameri- cansare calling the nation’scities home. According to 2010 Censusdata,anesti- mated 80.7 percent of Americans now live in urban areas—upfrom 79 percent in 2000. Notonly does this urban population increasingly tax the country’s infrastructure, but it is also having an effect—both directly and indirectly—on the environment. Roofing granulesoffer a variety of solutions to environmental issues is a phenomenonin which metropol- foundin urban areas. ‘The Heat Is On The urban heatisland (UHI) effect itan areas are typically warmer than nearby rural areas mainly due to the large areas of paved surfaces and build- ingsthat capturethe sun's energy, hold it and slowly radiate the heat back out into the air. The concentration of heat in these densely populated regions creates additionalhealth risks for residents due to heat exposure and the enhanced formation ofair pollutants, especially as well as lower energy consumption in climates with year-round cooling needs. In addition, many of the shingles that contain 3M CoolGranules meet Ener- gy Star requirements, making them the premier choice for green building, Further, the granules are available in a wide variety ofrich colors that can cre- ate the perfect shingle color blend. ‘The Eradication of Smog Rooftops, roads and parking lots Another problem in urban areas is comprise a large percentage of the man- smogpollution, caused by a buildup of ozone. made surface area in urban areas. When, nitrogen oxidesin the air. An estimated egies, scientists at the Lawrence BerkeJey National Laboratory determinedthat counties with unhealthylevels of parti- and “cool pavements” would decrease urban temperatures, which in turn 3M recently launched Smog-reducing Granules, which help remove smog pol- analyzingeffective UHI mitigation strat- four in 10 Americans currently live in widespread deploymentof “cool roofs” cle pollution. To combat this growing concern, could offset some orall of the projected lution using roofing shingles. Integrat- Beyond the buildingitself, cool roofs photocatalytic coating applied to the base mineral. As sunlighthits the shingles,radicals are generated, transforming nitrogen oxide gases into water-soluble future warmingtrends. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a coolroofis one that has been designed to reflect more sunlight and absorbless heat than a standard roof. can also benefit the environmentby: + Reducinglocal air temperatures; + Lowering peak electricity demand, which can help prevent power out- ages; and +Reducing power plant emissions, including carbon dioxide,sulfur diox- ide, nitrogen oxides and mercury. In orderto help protect the environment and meet increasingly stringent ordinancescalling forcoolrooftechnol- ed throughout a shingles surface, the granules are designed with a specialized ions, thereby improvingair quality. “3M is leading the way with roofing technology solutions for improving environmental impacts on human health and welfare” said Frank Klink, Ph.D., senior laboratory manager, 3M. “The roofing granulesare a first for residential asphalt shingles. The new 3M granules will help roofing manufacturers develop high-quality, aesthetically pleasing shingles that can turn any roofinto an active be- ogy, 3M developed CoolRoofing Gran- smog-reducingcatalyst, essentially ules. These granules are usedin shingles coming smog’ worst enemy” that can be energy efficient, solar re- flective and economically friendly. This technology can reduce urban heating To learn more about 3M’s commitment to using science for the greater good,visit