Potty Training Tips


DP For Parents Potty Training Tips (NAPSA)—Potty training is an important milestone in a child’s life. Children are now responsible for their own hygiene. The skills they learn at home are the same skills they will use in rest rooms. The Georgia-Pacific Health Smart Institute” suggests the following tips to help ensure that your child stays germ-free: Ze Se Reward toilet training suc- cesses with verbal praise and a big hug. Get your child excited about training. Wrap the potty up witha roll of toilet paper and present it to your child. Set an example for your child. Wash your hands often with soap, rubbing under warm water for 20 seconds. Use a Sparkle disposable paper towel to throw away the germs. Teach your child to do the same after using the potty. Stress the importance of using enough strong absorbent toilet paper to both wipe effectively and avoid contact with germs. In public bathrooms, remind your child to use toilet seat covers or line the entire seat with toilet paper. Reward your child’s successes with verbal praise and follow successes with a big hug. For a free brochure, “Come to Terms with Germs,”call toll-free 1-877-GP-CLEAN or log on to www.gphealthsmart.com.