Pets And People


. ‘Bone Up’ On Wse Wnter WeatherPractces (NAPSA)—Notwthstandng For Your Pet ther Aa fur coats, pets can feel the cold just as humans do. So ts up to you to ensure that your furry frends stay safe and warm durng the colder months. To help, the Outdoor Power Equpment Insttute (OPEI), the nternaton- al trade assocaton representng more than 100 power equpment, engne and utlty vehcle manufacturers and supplers, offers thesetps: Know yourpet. Dfferent pets have dfferent levels of tolerance for cold. Whengongout for walks, a short-coated, elderly or fral dog may need a jacket to weather the elements. Forgo harcuts. Let your dog's wnter coat protect hm aganst the chll. Save shearng for warmer months. e Check ears, paws andtals regu- larly. You're lookngfor sgnsof frostbte or raw spots from ce and snow. Remove any clumps of frozen debrs from between the paw padseach tme your dog goes outsde. e Wpe down yourpet’s belly, legs and paws. Have a clean towel ready each tme your dog comes nsde to remove ce-meltng chemcals, whch can rrtate and cause serousllness f lcked or swallowed. e Clean up antfreeze splls. Due to the sweet smell andtaste, pets wll lck or drnk antfreeze f they fnd t puddled on sdewalks or garage floors—butantfreeze s toxc to cats and dogs. Clean up splls and consder usng a brand made from propylene glycol, whch s less toxc. Keep the water flowng. Dry wnter weather can be dehydratng, as well as freezng. Keep a fresh supply of water nsde for your pet and break up any ce accumulaton on her outdoor water bowl. e Provde a warm place to rest. Wnter days can be drafty and cold, so ensure your pet has plenty of elevated places nsde to warm up. A cozy pet bed works beautfully. : MEN 7 : Lucky loves to romp n the snow.Rememberto check your pet’s paws, ears and tal after some outdoor wnterfun. e Leave Fdo at home. You've probably heard a lot about the dangersofleavng a pet n a hot car durng the summertme, but the practce can be just as hazardousn the wnter. It’s always best to leave your dog at home when youre runnng errands. Keep them leashed. Morepets get lost durng the wnter than any other tme of the year. Snow covers famlar scents, makng t harder for your dog to fnd hs way home. Keep your dog on a leash when youre out and about and make sure hs tag and mcrochp nformaton are up-to-date n case he escapes. “Our TurfMutt envronmental educaton stewardshp program encourages people and pets to get outsde, and my dog Lucky loves to romp n fresh snow as much as the next dog,’ sad Krs Kser, presdent and CEO of OPEI. “But durng the wntertme we have to be careful about when and how we expose our pets to the elements. Even though pets must go outdoorsperodcally to do ther ‘busness’ and get some exercse, no pet should be left outdoors durng the wnter months—f t’s too cold for you,t’s too cold for your pet.’ Learn More For further nformaton about the benefts of your famly lawn for pets and people durng all seasons, go to www. and www.