Pet Owners View Themselves As Pet Parents


Pet Owners View Themselves As Pet Parents (NAPSA)—Regular health checkups, potty training and keeping up with the little ones are not just everyday concerns for millions of parents, but also for millions of “pet parents.” The Advantage Pet Census, a nationwide survey conducted by the makers of Advantage brand flea control, found that three out of four dog and cat owners consider themselves, their spouse or a memberof their household to be a “pet parent.” The census also revealed that an overwhelming 95 percent of pet owners are concerned about taking care of their pet’s overall health, comfort and happiness. To help these individuals ensure that they are giving their furry companionsthe best possible care, the makers of Advantage flea control have launched the Pet Parent Program”, a national public education initiative designed to inform pet owners of important pet health and safety issues as well as the steps they can take to be good pet parents. The program includes the Advantage Pet Parent Council (PPC), a group of respected pet experts that offers comprehensive information on how to be a good pet parent; and the Advantage Pet Parent Association (PPA), a free club that pet owners can join to receive valuable offerings for their pets such asa free pet identificatiion tag and a rebate coupon for a free application of Advantage. Pet owners can join the PPA by logging onto the Website, calling (812) 240-2967 to request a membership form, or sending a written request to: The Advantage Pet Parent Association, 200 East Randolph Dr., 62nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60601. “Encouraging pet owners to aint embrace the concept of good pet parenting will only strengthen the bond between pets and their parents,” says Dr. Jeff Werber, one of the members of the PPC, practicing veterinarian and former host of Animal Planet’s “Petcetera.” The PPC offers pet parents these tips: Use your veterinarian as your # 1 source of informa- tion. When it comes to the health of your four-legged friend your veterinarian can offer advice, dis- cuss problems or concerns and determine the best course of action. The importanceof an identification tag for your pet. According to the American Humane Association (AHA), only 16 percent of dogs and two percent of cats that enter shelters are reunited with their owners. Makingsure your pet has the properidentification is your best defense againstloss. * Don’t give fleas a biting chance. To ensure your dogor cat does not experience the discomfort and pain of pesky or biting fleas, start your pet on a regular monthly flea control regimen with Advantage. Available from your veterinarian, it provides the fastest flea relief by stopping fleas from biting in three to five minutes. For more information on the Advantage Pet Census, the PPA and PPCorflea control, visit the Website at