Pet Owners Let Love Rule


Pet Owners Let Love Rule National Survey ShowsPets Are Part Of The Family @ (NAPSA)—It’s considered the ultimate expression: saying “I love you.” For many,it’s tough to drum up the courage to share this sentiment with a loved one. When it comes to pet owners, however, they certainly are not bashful about this term of endearment. According to a recent national survey, 63 percent of pet owners say “I love you” at least once daily to their pets. A survey of 1,225 pet owners in the United States and Canada conducted by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) reveals that pets have become a large source of unconditional love in the household. In an effort to learn more about relationships between humans and their pets, AAHA asked pet owners about dayto-day interaction with their companion animals in its 11th annual national pet owners’ survey. The results indicate that the large majority of pet owners identify their pets as members of the family and will go to great measures to keep their pets happy and healthy. Of the survey respondents: 84 percent acquired their pet mainly for companionship. 78 percent talk to their pet in a different voice. * 83 percent refer to themselves as their pet’s mom ordad. 52 percent believe that their pet listens to them best. 59 percent celebrate their pet’s birthday. 90 percent would not consider dating someone who wasn’t fond of their pet. More than two-thirds (68 percent) travel with their pet. 36 percent have named someone as the future guardian of their pet. 21 percent would travel 1,000 miles or more in order to obtain specialty veterinary care. In life-threatening situation, 44 percent would spend $3,000 or more to save their pet’slife. Love andattention was rated as the most important element to ensure a pet’s quality oflife. “There has never been a greater time for our companion animals,” says Dr. Kathleen Neuhoff, AAHA president-elect. “Thanks to advances in veterinary care, as well as a stronger bond between pets and their owners, pets are living longer and healthier lives than ever before.” The survey was conducted by AAHAthrough its membership from across the United States and Canada. Respondents were pet owners who take their pets to AAHAveterinarians. Pet owners from 44 states and five Canadian provinces responded. The American Animal Hospital Association is an international organization of more than 24,000 veterinary care providers who treat companion animals. Established in 1933, AAHA reminds pet owners that they can help their pets live healthier and longerlives by taking them to the veterinarian for periodic physical exams, vaccinations and dental care, as well as providing their pets with fresh water, a balanced diet and exercise. For pet care information or a referral to an AAHAhospital, pet owners can visit the AAHA Website at or call 800-883-6301.