Money Management


wisest Igjy\ | TOUS Es Money Management (NAPSA)—The millennial gen- eration, born between 1982 and 2000, accounts for almost 25 percent of the total U.S. population and is expected to be a driving force in the economyfor decades. It’s also the first generation that’s always had technology at their fingertips, so, it’s predicted, they'll manage their important financial decisions digitally. For many of them, their opinions of the market have been heavily influenced by the financial crash of 2007 and nearly 75 percent worry that they should be saving more for retirement. Pay One Bill Save Money i OnePay @ A new online system can be excellent for everyone looking to drastically unclutter their financial lives and to payall their bills at once—and enjoy an easy savings program. An Answer One solution to this problem could come from the very technology they feel so comfortable with—a group of tools and applications called FinTech. For example, a top tool today comes from 24-year-old Jesus Lopez. He created a product for young professionals trying to navigate their finances and save: OnePay. It was designed to be a free, one-stop solution for millennials (and the tech savvyof all ages) to fully embrace their earning and saving potential. How It Works Step 1: Sign up at no cost and connect your service providers to yourprofile. Step 2: The system calculates your monthly average and sends you a single bill. Step 3: Pay your bill with one click—or set up an autopay sys- tem to “click and forget.” Not only is this a supremely easy way to pay yourbills, the tool finds discounts and helps save you money in a virtual piggy bank. It also saves all your monthly financial documents so you can review your spending habits for better budgeting. Learn More For further facts or to sign up, visit