Making Your Garden "Pet-Healthy"


(NAPSA)-—Tf you have a garden, you understand the joy of digging in the dirt, deciding which flowers to plant each year and watching new bulbs blossor. You may also be aware of the poisons that lie within the beauty, and if you have an outdoor pet, some plants could be harraful. Don’t let Jurking dangers io your garden stop you from enjoying it with your pet. Here are tips to help keep you and your pet safe: * When selecting new bulbs, try to familiarize yourself with each variety of plant, understanding which are dangerous to pets and which are not. * If it doesn’t stifle your creativity, try to avoid planting common plants such as Buttercups, Irises, Ground Ivy, Poppies and Wisteria as they are poisonous for your petif eaten. * Tf your dog or cat tramples on your newly planted Azaleas, don’t get angry. He or she is just enjoy- ing being outside. Have fun outdoors with your pet, just be careful. While you’re outdoors for longer periods of time, your pet will likely be frolicking about with you. And, with warmer weather comes fleas. Is your pet protected? There are several flea control products available on the market. Novartis Animal Health US Inc. offers one option, PROGRAM Don't make poisonous plants your “pet peeve.” Gufenuron) Flavor Tabs, that is proven effective in controlling flea populations. They do not leave a pesticide residue on the pet or in the home. In addition, there is no mess, no odor and no drying time associated with using PROGRAMFlavor Tabs. And while your pet is running through the spray of the gardening hose to “help” you water your new plants, you don’t have to worry about PROGRAMFlavor Tabs being washed off. This summer, as you’re enjoy- ing the garden and your heautiful new blooms, take special care of your pet. Keep him awayfrom poisonous flora and make sure he’s on a monthly flea product, like PROGRAMFlavor Tabs. He may even thank vouforit.