Making Learning More Fun


Making Learning More Fun (NAPSA)—If any of the nearly 57 million elementaryand high schoolstu- dents in America is someone you care about, there could be good news for you. Schools today have discovered some wonderful new ways to make learning something kids want to do and school a place they wantto be. ‘These engaging, 21st century class- roomsare powered by modern, digital curriculum andcontent that helps cre- ate real-world learning experiences. Classroom teachers can now access time-saving tools that will support WhatIt Does them asthey balance the art andscience of learning and mastertheir craft. lumresources from Discovery Education, trusted partners. Meanwhile, teacher-tested instructional strategies help educators dive deeperinto theintentional andeffective integration ofthe digital content. These strategies foster skill development and complementdifferent typesof content. Educators using the system can be connected across school systems and aroundthe world to foster valuable net- As result, studies show that students. with access to high-quality digital curricuoneofthe world’s leading education companies, outpace their peers onstate assess- mentsin reading, mathematics and social studies, and havehigherschoolattendance rates than those that don'thaveaccess to these resources.In particular: Sive virtual field trips, are drawn from + Hispanic students attended an average ofthree more daysperyear + Students affected by poverty attended an averageof six more days per year working, idea sharing, andinspiration. + Students with disabilities attended an average of 12 more days per year. HowIt Works ‘The new Discovery Education Expe- rience coming to classrooms nationwide this fall showcases curated, standards-aligned, multimodal content in a personalized setting that’s specifically designedto help busy teachers save time and more easily differentiate instruction. The contentis assignable and can be bookmarked andsavedforlater use and remixed to meetthe varying needs ofdiverse student populations in a safe and secure environment. In addition, the service's up-to-date, high-quality and ever-growing digital content col- lections, as well as a library of immer- What One Teacher Learned “The Discovery Education Experi- ence is now my go-to resource for the unique and engaging digitalassets I need to create real-world learning environments for my students,’ explained Laura Mitchley, an Elementary Instructional Coachin the Ephrata Area School Dis- trict. “With the accompanying instructional supports andaccess to a thriving professional learning community, Discovery Education Experience is an indis- pensable toolfor teaching and learning” Learn More Tofind furtherfacts about how Discovery Education is supportingthe creation of modern classrooms, visit www.