"Make New Friends Fast, and Fast Friends Last"


and Fast Friends Last™”’ (NAPSA)—Each year, eleven million dogs and cats enter shelters because there are not nearly enough homes for them or they cannot be cared for properly, according to the American Humane Association. Protecting Children & Animals Since 1877 AMERICAN tt HUMANE ASSOCIATION |@ ™ To help promote shelter adoptions and responsible pet owner- ship, Advantage (imidacloprid) Topical Solution—the fastest flea control—introduces Advantage Fast Friends’, an initiative that includes a guide for pet owners at all stages of ownership. ECEFal ==. &flea control The guide is a comprehensive brochure about “making new friends fast, and fast friends last” with our four-legged companion animals. It aims to help pet owners incorporate a new pet into their home andoffers tips on how to keep the relationship healthy throughout the duration of the pet’slife. To obtain a free brochure, Advantage encourages those with pets, and those considering adoption, to send their name and address to: Advantage Fast Friends’, PO Box 81056, Chicago, IL 60681-0056. Join Advantage in helping reduce the number of homeless pets. Keep your furry little (and big!) ones healthy, happy andfleafree. You’ll make a newfriend fast, and makea fast friend LAST. For information on Advantage and Advantage Fast Friends”, visit www.nofleas.com.