Make Health A Family Reunion Affair: Talk With Your Family About Kidney Health


Talk With Your Family About Kidney Health (NAPSA)—Family reunions are a great way to reconnect with loved ones, celebrate your family’s heritage and make new memories. Family reunions are also an opportunity to talk about family health history. You mayhavefamily members who have diabetes, high blood pressure or both. Theseare conditionsthat often run. in families and arerisk factors for kid- ney disease. Kidney disease affects Afri- can Americans more than other groups. ‘That's whyit’s importantto talk to your family aboutrisk factors for kidneydis- =a Talking to yourfamily abouthealth issues can helpyouall live longer, better lives. ease, how toget tested and how kidney disease canbetreated. Encourage Family Members at Risk monhealth problem, affecting an estimated 30 million adults in the United States. Kidney disease means your kid- ease don't knowthey havethe disease Kidneydiseaseis a serious and com- neys are damaged andcantfilter blood the way they should. Kidney disease can often get worse over time and maylead for Kidney Disease to Get Tested Many people with kidney dis- until their kidneys beginto fail. This is because you can have kidney disease without any symptoms. The good news is that when kidney disease is found early, there are ways to protect your to kidney failure. Ifyour kidneysfail, you kidneys by managing yourbloodpreswill need dialysis or a kidneytransplant sure, eating a healthy diet and being to maintain yourhealth. The sooner you active. There is no curefor kidneyfailknow about yourfamily history ofkidney ure, but dialysis or a kidney transplant disease, the sooneryou can make changes can help you live longer andfeel betto help protect yourkidneys. Toget youstarted talking with your family about kidneyhealth,the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), a part ofthe National Institutes of Health, created the Family Reunion Health Guide. This guide offers basic information about Kidneydisease and suggests approaches you can take to connect with your fam- ily about kidney health. You can use this guide to help makekidney health a fam- ily reunion affair. Information in the guideincludes materials andtips to help you: ‘Talk With Your Family About the Risk Factors for Kidney Disease Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two leading causes of kidney disease. You are alsoat risk if you have a family history of kidney failure or haveheartdisease. The Family Reunion ter. The sooneryoufind out you have kidneydisease, the sooneryou can take steps to prevent moreserious health problems. This is whyit’s important to talk with your family aboutthe need to get tested. Make a Family Commitment to Kidney Health You can reduce your risk for devel- oping kidney disease by taking steps to live a healthylifestyle. Diagnosing and treating the disease early can slow or preventthe progression of kidney disease. The Family Reunion Health Guide shares ideas for how you can encourage family members to take steps to protect their kidney health. By being your family’s kidney health champion, you can help ensure that yourfamily enjoys many morereunions to come. Learn More For more information about kidney Health Guide can help you talk with disease, kidney failure, diabetes, high connectionto diabetes,high blood pressure andotherrisk factors. Family Reunion Health Guide, visit the NIDDKwebsite at yourfamily about kidneydisease andits blood pressure and more,orto access the