Make A Promise You Won't Regret: Help Your Pet Lose The Heft


Make A Promise You Won’t Regret: Help Your Pet Losethe Heft g (NAPSA)—You can help yourpet to better health. Being overweight can be hard on the joints—regardless of whether you have two legs or four. In fact, studies show 61 percent ofAmerican adults and nearly 40 percent of dogs and cats may need to make a pledge to lose weight— andstick to it. “Like overweight humans, an overweight pet is at risk of developing diabetes, joint pain and other health problems,” says Dr. Dan Carey, a veterinarian with The Iams Company. “Pet obesity is an ongoing challenge, and often pet owners do not realize there is a problem,” Dr. Carey adds. “You can help your pets maintain a healthy weight with regular exercise, portion control and a low-fat nutritional diet, but the most important factor in losing weight is behavior modification—yours.” To determine whether your pet is overweight, there are some steps you can follow right now: Feel your pet’s sides—You should be able to feel, but not see, hisribs. Stand behind your pet and look down—You should see an hourglass shape. If your pet does not exhibit this shape, it may be timefor a diet. Kneel down and look at your pet’s belly from the side—It should be tucked upslightly from his rib cage to his rear end, not flat or hanging down. Pet owners who are concerned their pets are overweight need only call the Iams Consumer Care Center at (800) 863-4267 to request a free Pet Weight Loss Kit, available in both dog and cat versions while supplies last. Each kit contains tools and information to help overweight pets trim down and shape up, including: Tips for getting healthy Exercise ideas For dogs: a leash for long walks and a measuringcup to control food portions For cats: a toy for playtime and a portion-control food bowl * Iams weight management information and coupon Rib check bulletin—to determine exactly how overweight your pet might be To help make the job of pet weight loss easier, Dr. Carey offers the following tips to pet owners: 1. Seek Veterinary Care If it appears your pet may need to shed a few pounds, take him to the veterinarian for a check-up. The veterinarian can assess your pet’s health, and, if there is a weight problem, recommend a healthy weight-loss diet. 2. Regular Exercise Pets should have at least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise daily to eliminate extra calories and sustain muscle tone. Exercising with pets is a great way for you to keep low-fat formula on the fourth day of Makeit fun. For dogs, take a walk, set up an obstacle course or join an indooragility or obedience Keep in mind feeding amounts required by a weight loss diet may be smaller than normalportions. * Don’t feed your pet table scraps. Humanfood often contains bones that can get caught in an animal’s throat or can splinter and puncture the digestive tract. Also, table scraps can be high in fat and are not well-balanced for the overweight pet’s specific nutritional needs. “With a little discipline, helping pets lose weight shouldn’t be too difficult,” adds Dr. Carey. “The next time your pet gives you that fit, too. class. For cats, use a string or toy to encourage jumping and chasing, or give her something interesting to climb. * Substitute play for food. When your pet seeks attention, play with him instead of turning to edible treats. Most animals enjoy the interaction just as much as food—andit’s calorie-free. 3. Select a Low-Fat Premium Food * Read the labels. A low-fat premium food contains animalbased protein (helps maintain lean muscle mass while pets lose weight at a healthy pace) and has the nutrient L-carnitine, which helps turn fat into energy. When switching to a highquality, low-fat food such as Iams Weight Control, it’s important to change the food gradually. Provide a pet’s daily food portion as 75 percent of the old food and 25 percent of the new formula the first day. For day two, try a 50/50 ratio. Proceed to a 25/75 split. Then go to 100 percent of the new the transition process. 4, Portion Control Follow the feeding guidelines recommended by your veterinarian or provided on the pet food package. Remember that your pet’s breed, age andlifestyle also play a big part in determining portion sizes. ‘in-between meals-feed me-stare,’ don’t give in. Give him exercise or attention instead.” For More Information For more than 50 years, The Iams Company has enhanced the health and well-being of dogs and cats by providing world-class quality foods. To learn more about pet weight loss and weight maintenance, or for a free Iams Pet Weight Loss Kit, call the Iams Consumer Care Center at (800) 863-4267. Pet weight loss information is also available online at