Learn To Save A Life


(NAPSA)—Because70 percentof all out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen at home, learning CPR can meanthelife you save may be someone you know andlove. Performing CPRcan double or triple a victim’s chanceof survival. To help, the American Heart Association offers a simplified version of CPR that encourages even those without formal training to take action. It’s called Hands-Only CPR, and it removes the action of rescue breaths for untrained bystanders. Hands-Only CPR consists of two simple steps: 1) If you see a teen or adult suddenly collapse, call 9-1-1. 2) Push hard and fast in the center of the chest to the rate of 100 to 120 beats per minute, the rhythm of the classic Bee Gees hit “Stayin’ Alive.” Keep pushing until emergencyhelp arrives. “For those who suffer cardiac arrest outside the hospital, only 10 percent survive—but effective bystander CPR provided immediately after cardiac arrest can double or even triple these chances,” said Dr. Craig Samitt, executive vice president and chief clinical officer at Anthem, Inc. “That’s why, for the past four years, we’ve been workingclosely with the American Heart Association to help educate people about Hands-Only CPR. To date, we’ve helped to educate and train more than 3 million people in thislifesaving skill, with the goal of preparing people to act in an emergency to save the lives of LEARN HSINDS-ONLY. CPR AT. HE ART.ORGY \OSONLYCPR You may be able to save some- one from cardiac arrest by taking two simple steps. strangers or those they love most.” With funding from the Anthem Foundation, the American Heart Association created a music-based training video designed to showcase the simplicity and life-saving benefits of Hands-Only CPR. The video features the unique sounds of the talented a cappella group Street Corner Symphony harmonizing to this iconic song, and challenges everyone to learn how to save a life. Take Action You can and should watch the video at www.heart.org/handsonly cpr to be prepared to act in an emergency. Learn More While Hands-Only CPR can make the difference in the life of someone you love, in-person training is the best way to learn highquality CPR. The American Heart Association trains 17.8 million people in CPR annually. To find a course, visit heart.org/FindACourse. To learn more about the Hands-Only CPR campaign, visit www.heart.org/hands onlyepr or facebook.com/AHACPR. ween ee eee eeeGere ee ee ene ee eee Editor’s Note: Although CPR Week is June 1-7, 2016, this article can be helpful to your readers at any time.