(NAPSA)—If you're like most Americans, you sometimes open yourrefrig- erator and wonder what's to eat inside. ‘That can be especially true at holiday time. Fortunately, there’s more you can do with leftovers than throw them away. For example, you can plan to have them. As long as you're cooking anyway, make twice the amount you need for dinner and you've got two dinners or a lunchor two, saving time andeffort later in the week. Be sure to store your leftovers properly. Label and date the contents. Use glass or plastic containers that let you see what’s inside. Make soups and stews. Pureeleftover vegetables with some broth and heat it up with cut-up leftover meat. Dont just eat them. Grind up leftover half lemons and limes in the garbage disposal to keep it clean. If you haveleftover citrus fruit peel, let it dry and then toss it into your fireplace for a delightful aroma. Another way to fill the house with a great scent: When there's just a few grains of cinnamon or nutmegleft in thejar, fill it with water and microwaveit for a minute. Repurpose them. Here’s a great idea about what to do with leftover sweet potatoes from Thanksgiving or any occasion. Give these savory Sweet Potato Hummus & Goat Cheese Snacks a try. Making hummusin a food processor takes just a few minutes and can be enjoyed with Crunchmaster Pumpkin Harvest Crackers for a seasonal taste sensation. The crackers combine real pumpkin and autumn spices with the goodness of whole grains and flaxseeds. Be- cause theyre Crunchmaster crackers, they're gluten-free, non-GMO andfull offlavor. Made with wholesome ingredients from trusted sources, these simply de- licious snacks are crafted to fit every healthylifestyle. Sweet Potato Hummus and Goat Cheese served with Crunchmaster crackers makefor a tasty snack that’s great anytime and a good wayto use up leftover cooked sweet potatoes. Sweet Potato Hummus and Goat Cheese Snacks Prep Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes Serves: 12 % cup chopped cooked sweet potato % cup canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed 3 Tbsp tahini 5 tsp lemonjuice 1 clove garlic Ys tsp salt ‘A tsp pepper % tsp ground cumin 24 Crunchmaster Pumpkin Harvest Crackers 4 Tbsp crumbled goat cheese 2 Tbsp toasted pumpkin seeds In food processor, blend sweet potato, chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin and % cup water until smooth, scraping down sides if necessary. Spread 2 tsp hummusover each cracker. Sprinkle with goat cheese and pumpkinseeds. Tip: Refrigerate leftover hummusin an airtight containerfor up to three days. Learn More For other great recipes, coupons,tips and nutrition information, visit www. crunchmaster.com.