Keep Your Dog From Dining In The Litter Box


Keep Your Dog From Dining In TheLitter Box (NAPSA)—Ifyour homeis like most, you share it with at least one animal friend. According to a recent Harris Poll, 62 percent of Americans have at least one pet; half of cat owners also have a dog; and a third of dog ownersalso havea cat. Dogsandcats living together, however, can lead to a problem: Dogslike to dine outof the cat’s litter box. The reason may be boredom orinstinct but most often its due to a nutritional deficiency. Typically, cat feces contain lots of protein and fat and give off an odorthat’s very appealing to dogs. The result is a nasty habit that could lead to health issues if not corrected. be With a little help, your dog will curb the litter box snack shack urge. Fortunately, there’s a solution to deter dogs from snacking on cat stools. You simply give tasty NaturVet Outta My Boxsoft chews to both the dog and the cat. Outta My Box is veterinarian formulated with patent-pending ProBioStrive and contains natural active ingredients that reduce the stool odors, making the litter box less desirable to dogs. They also help maintain an optimal GI balance in your dog to help him kick the cravings. For more information, visit www. orcall (888) 628-8783.