It's Never Too Late To Achieve A Healthy Weight


It’s Never Too Late To Achieve A Healthy Weight (NAPSA)—Peopleoften think ofthe NewYearasa timeto set new goalsfor healthy eating and physicalactivity. But weight management requires ongoing effort, during the holidays and every day. That’s why the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK),partofthe National Institutes of Health,is promoting simple tips and tools to help Americans start and maintain healthy habits. “Whywait to start improving your health when you can start today?” NIDDKDirector Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers said in a statement. “It's never too soon ortoolate to achieve a healthy weight” Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight through healthy food choices and regular physical activity may help lowertherisk ofdeveloping health prob- lems associated with obesity, such as heart disease, kidney disease and Type 2 diabetes. About 40 percentof adults and 19 percentof children andteensin the United States have obesity, according to recent data from the Centersfor Disease ControlandPrevention. Continueorestablish healthier eating habits, such as reducing the over- It’s a healthy idea for your whole family to get out and get active every day. Another tip to consider during the holiday season and every day to improve health and manageweightis to reduce screen time andtimespentsitting. Watching TV for more than two hours a day has been linked to overweight andobesity. Try creating a holi- day-themedplaylist and having a dance party. You can have fun dancing alone or with familyor friends. To further encourage adults and youth to be active, the U.S. Depart- all calories you consumeandlimiting ment of Health and Human Services yourintakeof foods and beverages with also recently released new Physical added sugars, fats and salt. Bringing Activity Guidelines for Americans. The healthierversionsof yourfavorite dishes to holiday gatherings, and choosing smaller portions of holiday treats and alcohol, mayhelp with managing weight duringthis timeofyear. The NIDDK recommends making physicalactivity a priority for the whole family. Choosinga settimefor physical new Guidelines recommendthat adults aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week, such as brisk walking or dancing. Youth ages six through 17 needone houreach day, and children ages three through six should beactive throughoutthe day. Byestablishing andsticking to healthy activity andsticking to it may help you managestress, improve your mood, and give you the energy to tackle your busy schedule. Ifit’s too cold to walk or run outdoors, take your workout to your favorite mallor indoorsportsfield. Even habits, parents, caregivers and youth may physicalactivity is better than skipping weight-management. if you're pressed for time, doing some your workout and doing nothing. achieve better health together duringthe holiday season and beyond. Tofind moretips and resources for weight management and healthy liv- ing duringthe holidays and every day, visit the NIDDK website: https://www.