Intrigue, Secrets And Self-Discovery In Four Great Summer Reads


In Four Great Summer Reads (NAPSA)—In this issue of “BookBites,” showcases four captivating tales life she chose and thelife she desires. tofill those long days at the beach. Its 1938. For three months, this fish- ing village serves as a playground for “You Cannot Mess This Up” by Amy W. Daughters discuss her parents’ estate—and finds herself hurled back in time. Suddenly, Molla \Ttey ml its 1978, and she is Lea the wealthy elite of New York City. Beatrice Bordeaux will be spending 12 wit = A funny, wrenching novel about what it’s like to come home. Amy Daugh3939 ters returns to her hometown over Thanksgiving to weeks sequestered with the high-soci- ety wives at The Montauk Manorwhile her husband,increasingly remote,pursues otherinterests. Bea has never felt comfortable forced to spend 36 among these privileged women. As hours in her child- Sweet) hood home with her nuclear fam- ily, including her 10-year-oldself. Over the next 36 hours, she reconsiders every feeling she’s ever had. She redefines her difficult relation- ships with her family members and,ulti- mately, realizes that herlife story matters. In the end, she’s convinced she'll neverbe the same. Youcan purchase “You Cannot Mess This Up” (She Writes Press) at https:// she drifts further from them, Beafinds herself drawn to a man nothing like her husband. Inspiring a strength and courage she had almost forgotten, his presenceforces herto face a haunting tragedy of her past and question her future. To purchase “Montauk” (St. Mar- tins Press), to/2EVUWmM. go to https://amzn. “The Last Resort” by Marissa Stapley ‘The HarmonyResort promises hope for struggling marriages. Run by celeb- rity power cou- “We NeverTold”by Diana Altman Set in an era when unwed moth- ple Drs. Miles and Don giving their new- partners to repair Grace Markell, it offers a chance for ers were shamed and pressured into ee NEVER TOLD Pn ER borns away, “We their relationships in a luxurious Never Told” is a slice of America when the Hollywoodlifestyle was at its height. That Beene the country today, because those TJ babies did not dis- appear; they grew up and wentsearching. Sonya is determined to unearth her glamorous mother’s secret, but when she finally does, she discovers some- thing much worse than those around herevercould have imagined. For a copy of “We Never Told” (She Writes Press), go to https://amzn. to/2KxC3z5. “Montauk”by Nicola Harrison “Montauk”capturesthe glamour and extravagance of a summerbythe sea with the story of a womantorn between the setting. Johanna and “Ben are married FsfahaKDY but don't know each other at all. Shell and Colin fight constantly, but whathasreally torn them apart is too devastating to discuss. When they begin Harmony’s therapy program,it’s clear that Harmonyisnotall it seems—and neither are Miles and Grace. What are they hiding and what price will these couplespayfor finding out? As a tropi- cal storm descends, secretsare revealed, loyalties are tested and not onesingle person will remain unchanged. You can get “The Last Resort” (Graydon House) to/2MMmpTl. at https://amzn. For more fun reading ideas, you can visit, where readers and writers meet, and subscribe to the weekly newsletter,