Information That's Just A Click Away


Goin Betetas ti SS e l te eat Information That’s Ju (NAPSA)—Today, more than ever, one of the keys to financial security in retirementis planning. While most people have financial retirement plans, many lack the necessary guidance and knowledge to make educated decisions about these plans. In addition to the various books and financial professionals available, there are also many Websites that serve as valuable resources. For example, a growing num- ber of consumers are using a leading online directory—Super—as a gateway to financial information. Visitors can go to Super A growing number of con- sumers are looking to Web sites for the financial information they need. and click on the finance section of the area marked SuperTopics. From there they can access a wide range of Web sites that offer assist them with different tax situations, as ll as tips on tax sources designed to help users plan for retirement and make educated financial decisions. The topics addressed include: tain points in the year. Downloadable tax forms, online tax preparation services and the latest tax code changes are provided. The investing and tax planning re- Investing at various stages of life Advice on refinancing your also available, including tax work- sheets, advice and calculators to moves that are appropriate at cer- site even lists federal, state and international tax links. In addition to finding these mortgage financial resources, visitors can tuition their local area. In fact, the site Finding the best mutual fund Diversifying your portfolio Paying your child’s college Advice about 401(k) plans and IRAs * Social Security benefits Financial calculators Latest tax code updates and tax advice Visitors can calculate how much moneythey will need to live on once they retire and discover how best to handle an existing 401(k) when switchingjobs. A numberof tax resources are use the Yellow Pages feature to search for financial services available to receives as many as 12 million visits and nine million unique visitors per month. The directory, which also pors directory services on sites such as Excite, Lycos, AltaVista, Ask Jeeves, HotBot, BigFoot, Tripod Angelfire, InfoSpace and MSN, is produced and marketed by Verizon Information Services. To learn more, visit the Web site at