To Navigate The Workplace (NAPS)—Good negotiating skills are learned over time and, when done well, can provide many benefits. However, new findings from a University of Phoenix survey foundthat while almost 60percent of men are comfortable negotiating their salary, only 42 percent of womensay the same’. “While women have made great strides to overcome gender inequality in the workplace, not negotiating well can havea significant impact on wom- \g negotiationswitha friend can help you prepar. additionalpay onthetable that accumu- much asyou can about them andtheir McCeil Johnson, senior director and howtheywill react to you and howthey wantyoutoreact to them. en’s earnings as they could beleaving lates over the courseoftheir career)’ said dean of accreditation and regulatory compliance. “In my experience, women already possess many skills that make them natural, effective negotiators, and with practice, can enhance improving their negotiatingabilities” Followingare a few tips that women. can use to improve their negotiating skills: 1. Knowthe value of your unique assets: Know your strengths and how your experiences can benefit the organization. Everything you bring to the negotiationtableis partoflife’s rich tap- estry, whether you are fresh out of college, mid-career, male or female—your unique set of circumstances provides leverage for your situation. Observe andtailor your approach based on your situation. 2. Research: Research is an impor- role within the company,you can assess 5. Listen: Listening is critical skill in negotiating. Make sure you hear the offers given to you; the last thing you wantto dois talk yourselfout of a deal. 6. Be assertive, not aggressive: Tone and presentation are also major factors in negotiating; it is not whatyousay, but howyousayit. Stay calm and present yourposition thoughtfully. To achieve success in negotiating, consider the following: 1.Don't go in blind. Know the desired outcome and find common ground. According to Bruce Patton, co-authorof“Getting to Yes?? when you create a problem-solving atmosphere in whichall parties feel safe to brain- storm options, you secure a win-win outcomein negotiations. Envision the “least restrictive alternative? which is tant aspect of the negotiation preparation process.For instance, when negoti- the minimum youare willing to accept with industry assessments of how people with similar experience to yours and for that type of position are compensated and whatqualifies them to receive that passion withoutbeing overly emotional otherbenefits such as vacation, working from homeorotherperks that could be ager will give a raise because of your ating for a job or salary, come prepared level of compensation. Also research usedas a bargainingtool. 3. Practice and get feedback: People underestimate how much preparation is required in negotiating. Develop and review yourtalking points and practice them with friendorcolleague who can provide honestfeedback. 4.Be flexible: Customize the situ- ation based on the people with whom you will be speaking. By learning as duringthe negotiation. 2.Don't get emotional. Showing is a good approach. Practice keeping a steady cadence andtone, and control anytremorin yourvoice. 3. Dont get personal. Your man- work accomplishments and not because of your personalsituations. That means yourrent, upcoming mortgage, number of children and the like should not be part of the conversation. Your work and career experience and accomplishments mustbethefocus. 4. Don't fidget. Maintain eye con- tact and sit still, Awkward or sudden movements can make you seem nervous andless confident. 41. This poll was conductedfromJuly 7-9, 2017, among a nationalsample of2.191 adults. E- interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a targetsampleofadults basedon ag, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment ‘andregion. Resultsfrom thefull survey have a margin ofetorofplus or minus twopercentagepoints. 2 Fisher, Roger, Ury, William & Patton, Bruce (1991). Getting fo Yes: Negotiating agreement withoutgivingin, Penguin: New York. Chapter 2.