How To Succeed At Surviving Heart Failure


HowTo Succeed At Surviving Heart Failure (NAPSA)—The latest statistics from the American Heart Association (AHA), one of the world’s oldest and largest voluntary organizations dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke, show that the numberof people living with heartfailure has now topped more than 6 million—and that numberis expectedto rise to more than 8 million by 2030. Much of that increase can be attributed to medical advances that have improved survivalrates of heart attacks and other conditions that can lead to heartfailure. “The ability to treat this condition, restore health and quality oflife, extend life and, most importantly, prevent this condition is more robust now than ever,’ said Clyde W. Yancy, M.D., past president of the AHA andchief ofcardiology and Magerstadt professor at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago. “Prevention is a key consideration as oneofevery five adults alive at age 40 will develop heart failure during his orherlifetime.” Heart failure is a condition in which the heart is too weak to pumpbloodsufficiently throughout the body. Knowing the signs and symptomsofheart failure is critical—the earlier someone seeks care for heart failure, the better the chances ofliving a longer, more active life. Symptoms Difficulty breathing Persistent coughing or wheezing Fatigue Nausea Confusion Fainting or near-fainting Increased heartrate Swelling of the feet, ankles andlegs. People experiencing more than one of these should talk with their doctor about a heart evaluation. There's usually no cure for heart failure but it can be managed. Treatments Lifestyle Changes: Certain lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms, slow disease progression and improve everyday life. These changes could include quitting smoking, losing or maintaining weight, eating a hearthealthy diet, being physically active, managing stress and getting adequate rest. Regular Monitoring:It’s very impor- tant for people with heart failure to monitor their symptoms and report any changesto their health care team. More people these daysare living with heart failure. The more you know, the better you can manage the condition. This may involve daily weigh-ins to track water retention, closely watching swelling, and monitoring changes in ability to exercise. Medications and Devices: Heart failure patients often need multiple medications. There are devices that can control heart rhythm or measure circulation.It’s important that patients and caregivers work with their health care team to understand the medications and howthey should be taken. Understanding the devices is also important. Surgery: Surgery is sometimes recom- mended when a doctor can identify a correctable problem, such as a con- genital defect, valve abnormality or blocked coronary artery. When heart failure is advanced, the use of an ar- tificial pump to sustain circulation or heart transplantation to replace the failing heart can be done today with much less risk than ever before and improved outcomes. ‘The most important thing, suggest- ed Dr. Yancy, is to work closely with a heart failure team andfollowits advice. “Research today is pointing to new directions to restore the heart’s function, capture early warning signs and create highly personalized treatmentplans,” he said. “There is no reason to ever again accept ‘failure’ as a diagnosis. With the right team in place exercising best care options, nearly everyone with this condition can nowthrive.” Learn More For facts about heart failure, and free tools to help you prevent andbetter manage the disease, visit www.RiseAboveHE org. The American Heart Association's Rise Above Heart Failure initiative is nationally supported by Novartis Phar- maceuticals Corporation. To learn more abouthearthealth orto get involved,visit