How To Prevent A Multigenerational Home Thermostat War


HomeThermostat War (NAPSA)—Multigenerational householdsare ontherise, with a record onein five Americansliving in homes shared by multiple adult generations, inevitably leading to various domestic conflicts, including home temperature—butthat doesn't have to happenat yourhouse. Bridging the Thermostat Gap Mom versus dad, grandmotherver- sus granddaughter. When it comes to homeclimate control, the generation andgendergap is real. There are facts to support this domestic dilemma: Everyone has a different “thermal comfortlevel” or preferred room temperature based on physical, psycholog- ical and otherfactors,activity level and clothing. * Women’ bodies produce less heat than men’s, with womenpreferring a far warmer environment(77 degrees) than men(72 degrees). + As people age, their bodies become sensitive to cold temperatures because ofa decrease in the metabolicrate. Here are somepractical tips that can help preventthe dreaded Thermostat War. Get “Smart” About HomeTemperature Whenit comes to smart home temperature control, there are Smart HVAC Systems and Smart Thermostats. Smart HVACsystems have built-in Internet capability andcan be controlled directly without additional equipment. Smart Home Thermostats create “smart” systems by enabling remote temperature control via a mobile or Internet-connected device or voice-operated home automation system. Several leading manufacturers, including Fujitsu Gen- eral America, offer Smart Systems as well as options to control single and multizone Halcyon andAirstage heating and cooling systemsusinga third-party smart thermostat. Increase Family Peace ANDEnergy Efficiency You can promote multigenerational home harmony with a climate control system thatwill keep yourfamily warm withouttempersheating up. air-handling unit, where theair is qui- etly distributed to the interior space. This eliminates the need for basement orattic evaporators and bulky, expensive ductwork. Mini-splits are easy to install and usually require only a 3- to 4-inchhole through a wall or ceiling to connectthe indoorand outdoorunits. Give Everyone His Or Her Own Voice Everyonegets to “voice” his or her own temperature preference. Most HVAC manufacturers offer apps that enable systems to be controlled from anywhere using a mobile device. Now, voice-control capability uses digital assistants, like Amazon Alexa, to verbally dictate home temperatures—“Alexa, set the living room temperature to 70 degrees”For instance, Fujitsu offers a free FGLair app that enables Web-activated control via mobile devices and now voice-activated control via AmazonAlexa. Enjoy Customized Room-by-Room Comfort Ending homeclimateconflicts, mini- splits feature custom zonecontrol, letting homeowners connect twoto eight indoor units to a single outdoor unit. Each zone hasits own thermostat so occupants can adjust each room to the temperature they want. Further, only occupied areas are heated, which canrepresenta significant savings considering thekitchen, dining room,living roomandbedroomsare left Upgrading your system andinstalling a smart thermostat can significantly reduce your utility expense. The mostenergy-efficient heating and cooling products on the market, ductless mini-split systems, can save as much unoccupiedforat least 40 percentof the time in most households. What's more, the comfort continues even in extreme cold weather. Fujitsu's Extra Low Tem- ther, an efficiently controlled thermostat could save an additional 10 percent lower than anyother mini-split available systems work. Thin copper tubing is used to pumprefrigerant from an out- Forfurther information orto find a as 25 percent on yourenergybill. Fur- a year. Here's how ductless mini-split door compressordirectly into an indoor perature Heating (XLTH) Seriesfeatures outdoor condensing units engineered to operate in temperatures downto -15 F, today. Learn More contractor nearby, call (888) 888-3424 orvisit