By Dorothy York, President and CEO of North American Precis Syndicate (NAPS)
Mandatory closures and safety measures, that have been required to protect from the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19), have hit small businesses hard. The list of relief efforts and stimulus funding programs has been growing and yet many small business owners are unaware of where to turn for help. Some have hit roadblocks along the path to getting federal assistance. The Small Business Administration site is a good place to start. Other resources include grants and emergency loans from states, cities and community organizations.
If you have a way to help, tell your story to the thousands of editors and millions of Americans who want to know. Here are four examples of recent stories that have helped small businesses respond to the current crisis:
1- Capterra: “A Simple Recipe For Digitizing Your Business”
2- PayAcitv/Paychex: “How To Get Wages To Your Workers Immediately”
3- Synchrony and Synchrony Foundation: “How Communities Fight The Coronavirus Pandemic And PPE Shortage”
4- FINRA: “Fraud And Coronavirus”
Many small businesses have been helped over the years by stories about technology, financing options, professional advice and a variety of ongoing programs. To help our clients choose formats that are getting the best results, North American Precis Syndicate ranks the top feature news stories of the year by the highest number of placements in media outlets nationwide. We have compiled the results to show the top feature news stories of the decade, those that have performed brilliantly, way above and beyond what is typically expected.
The most successful stories included attractive color photos or infographics, helpful advice from experts, celebrity spokespeople, the latest statistics, results from surveys, trends, time-saving tips, money saving ideas and other helpful information. The stories targeted people across various demographic groups and related to safe, enjoyable and prosperous experiences, protecting the health, and assets, of the readers, their friends and family members.
We are passionate about working on the kinds of stories that help millions of people nationwide with the news that is potentially life saving or can improve the quality of their lives. To name a few, here are examples of the top small business stories of the decade. These are from some of the best and brightest communications professionals for some of the most demanding management teams at leading organizations:
1- Microsoft: “Small Business Technology Report/ Four Apps To Run Your Business More Efficiently”
2- Microsoft Teams: “How Free Technology Can Improve Your Teamwork”
3- BMC Software: “Software That Takes A Social Media Approach To Solving IT Problems”
4- Symantec: “Seven Cybersecurity Myths Busted”
5- Carbonite: “Five Web Tips For Every Small Business Owner”
6- Microsoft/McAfee: “Will Your Data Be Safe When It Travels To Denver, Dallas And Dayton?”
7- Barco/ClickShare: “How To Make Meetings More Efficient”
8- HP: “Cheap Office Supplies May Be Draining Your Wallet”
9- Citrix: “The Office Of The 21st Century: Wherever You Are”
10- Staples: “How To Protect Your Data”
11- OfficeMax: “Put The Cloud To Work For Your Business”
12- International Council Of Shopping Centers: “Protecting Our Economy/ Big Help For Small Businesses”
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