Homeless, Starving And Broke, Biz Magnate Shares How He Turned It Around To Make Billions


Boo Bites Homeless, Starving And Broke, Biz Magnate Shares How He TurnedIt Around To MakeBillions making thinking time a priority; celebrating progress;livingwith focus; having ideas so massive they make others uncomfort- Welcome to thepremiere edition of BookTrib.com’s “BookBites,” bringingyou greatideasforyour next read. (NAPSA)—‘Iamahigh schooldropout able; showingpassion; mastering emotions; wellness. with no higherintelligence thanyou. Icame andphysical Pira provides an interesting take on toacountry with no knowledge ofthe local what hecalls vibrational giving. “I focus language or culture. Worse, Ihad no money, on the emotion I feel while am doing the andslept on the beaches of Phuket with a giving, The feeling attached to the giving is suitcase for a pillow? Iwish someone a good day, Today, Andres critical...When Idoit with genuinefeelings ofwanting that Pira is one of Thai- land's largest real estate developers, with holdings in the aD billions. In his new book, “Homeless to Billionaire—The 18 AndresPira Principles of Wealth Attraction and Cre- ating Unlimited HOMELESS TO Opportunity” (ForbesBooks), hetells his remarkablestory andshares the framework others canuseto unlock theirfull potential andobtain theirlife goals. Rags-to-richesstories are inspirational and motivating, andthis one is no exception. But whyis this bookdifferent? A prime target audience, millennials are receptiveto learning andnew ideas, but they are skeptical and demandproofbefore complying, Pira was a skeptic himselfuntil Terma ie re CT) eee er ney ANDRES PIR A aera: JOE VITALE ptr @ practice in the real world. Millions of people read motivational AndresPiratells of his remarkable books but not everyone will achieve the journeyandoffers sound advice to sameresults. Pira knows. “Knowledge is help othersobtaintheir life goals. not whatgets us what we wantinlife. The difference lies in taking a specific action” Pira has “mastered the formula for personto have a goodday.Pira correlates making peoplebelieve in the impossible. this thinking to whenhestartedto experiHe knows howto make money, inspire and ence success. His messageis that by doinggood, good drive success like no oneI have ever met} he was able to put acquired knowledge into says Jack Canfield,co-author of “Chicken Soupfor the Soul?in the books foreword. Pira grew up in Stockholm with no vision ofthe future. He made his way to ‘Thailand, where he was starving, frustrated, angry and broke. He escaped his abyss not so much from learning the basics of how things will happen. But don’t keep score waiting for your first million to pour in. ‘The proper life mindsetis a puzzlethat took Pira years to decipher. Through “Homeless to Billionaire; AndresPira invites you in andhelps you solve it for yourselves. Visit hitps://andrespira.com. “HomelesstoBillionaire”is available for to succeed in business butby learning how life shouldbe lived and exuding positivity purchase. at every turn. ‘Theprinciples that Pira is passing on include taking risks and responsibility; For more reading ideas,visit Book Trib. com, where readers and writers meet, and subscribe to the weekly newsletter.