for Hispanic parents whosechildren are approaching college age. A new PSA campaign provides parents with access to the resources they need to help their children prepare, plan, and pay for college. The campaign, featuring actors Adam Rodriguez and Edward James Olmos, and Univision co- HISPANIC SCHOLARSHIP FUND felt (el 8 (=y4 anchors Jorge Ramos and Maria Elena Salinas, is built around a series of public service announcements (PSAs) designed to send parents to, the website of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund. Founded in 1975, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund provides scholarships and related support services to Latino students. By visiting the website, parents can find resources and tips to help their children navigate the college application process and access the resources and sup- port needed to excel in their studies and graduate. Equipping Students For Success “With Latinos representing one in four people in America under age 18, it is more important than ever for HSF to provide scholarships and services to students, as well as provide resources for their parents,” said Fidel A. Vargas, President & CEO, Hispanic Scholarship Fund. “Their success incol- lege is more important than ever, and this is our opportunity to support Latino students to reach college, and make the most of their college experience. We hopethis campaign will equip even more Hispanic parents and students with the tools they need to prepare, plan, and pay for college.” meine! IMA TY IS FOREVEFS, Sixty-nine percent of Hispanic high school graduates are now going directly to college, a rate that is higher than that of the general population. A Growing Need At present, Hispanics account for 19 percent of all college students aged 18—24, up from 12 percent in 2008. What’s more, 69 percent of Hispanic graduates are now going directly to college after graduating high school, a rate that is higher than that of the general population. This underscores a need for more information and increased access to resources. Shaping The Future Said Ad Council President and CEO Lisa Sherman, “Hispanic parents have a wonderful opportunity to shape the future of their children and to give them the chance to pursue a higher education and the opportunities that go with it. These PSAs encourage and inspire action. We believe they will make a huge impact.” The new PSAs were created pro bono by ad agency The Vidal Partnership. For more information about the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, visit HSFnet. To learn more about the Ad Council, visit