Flea & Tapeworm Season


AR Flea & Tapeworm Season (NAPSA)—If your pet is spending more time outdoors this summer, remember that warm weather also means an increase in fleas and tapeworms. Studies show that 25 to 50 per- It’s now possible to treat your pet’s tapeworm at home. cent of dogs and cats infested with fleas will also have tapeworms. Growing to as much as a foot in length inside the animal’s intestine, tapewormsrob their host of nutrition and can cause infected pets to become lethargic. Worse yet, family members may become an accidental host for the D. caninum tapeworm. Pet owners should watch for signs of tapeworms whentheir pet is infested with or exposed to fleas or infected prey. Most commonly, you'll find egg-filled tapeworm segments resembling grains of rice clinging to your pet’s hindquarters, in stools or deposited in your home. Nowit’s possible to treat your dog or cat for tapeworm at home with a new medication, the first over-the-counter dewormer containing praziquantel. FDA-approved, Tape Worm Tabsis proven 100 per- cent safe and effective for dogs and cats. Tape Worm Tabsare available at pet and farm supply stores. To learn more about at-home tapeworm control, call 877-734-7565 or visit www.tradewindsforpets.com.