Enjoy These Tales Of Danger, Strange Events And A Memorable Life


Boo Bites Enjoy TheseTales Of Danger, Strange Events And A Memorable Life (NAPSA)—BookBites is a continuing series bringing readers information and ideas for their next read. Here are four new books in which toget lost—somethingfor all different tastes from Book Trib.com. “Flamingo Coast” by Martin Jay Weiss “They harbor the largest network of wealthy expatriate fugitives in the world, changing their identities, laundering their assets, helping them purchase property in impenetrable NTE) safe havens” They are FlamingoEnterprises of HSS] Grand Cayman Island. “Thirteen Across” (MindScapePress) is available at http://bit.ly/2Wx64Gr. “A Dreamfor Peace” by Ghoulem Berrah He was a freedom fighter turned diplomat committedtoa lifelong search alert fowPe for global peace. “A Dream for Peace” is the personal memoirof Dr. Ghoulem Berrah, tracking his incredible journeyfighting for the independence ofhis MAL) homeland Algeria, as aaa. man of science, and an international diplomat who rubbed elbows with some of the world’s most And in “Flamingo Coast) they harbor Max Culpepper, a prominent people, all the while dedicriminal hedge fund manager who—out cated to working for peace. This is a fasonbail in Manhattan, awaiting trial— hasescapedand is hunted by formerIRS special agent Jennifer Morton,fired by the IRSafter apparently obtaining evi- denceillegally against Culpepper. Jennifer wants revenge on Culpepper—and she gets the opportunity. To purchase “Flamingo Coast” (Rare Bird Books), visit https://amzn. to/2Zb6uiw. “Thirteen Across” by Dan Grant cinating memoiranda character study ofthe highest order. Youcan get “A Dreamfor Peace” (Dr. Ghoulem Berrah Foundation)at https:// amzn.to/2QXp4YC. “Bulwark” by Brit Lunden Think “Hansel and Gretel” meets “Briday the 13th? They say she comes back every 50 years. clues. A ticking clock andrace across the She needs fresh blood to stay young and beautiful and she takes children. Steals them and Barnes blames FBI spe- to Bulwark, a fictitious Seven subway stops. Seven sets of nation’s capital. Phillip cial agent Kate Morgan for murdering his family and heis determined keeps them. Welcome small town that’s not as cute and quiet as it seems in this novel- to make her atone. He throws Kate into a dangerous catch-me-if-youcan puzzle, with the challenge to save others. Barnes not only wantsto torture her but expose herpast. The FBI brings in real-life crossword puzzle expert to ette by Brit Lunden. Follow Sheriff Clay to light covert secrets with Kate at the center of a disturbing conspiracy. Will For morefun readingideas, you can visit BookTrib.com, where readers and writers meet, and subscribeto the weekly newsletter. DIVE help figure out the upcoming subway stops and solve the riddle, which brings she survive? Finnes as things get strange, he hears fantastical stories from an accidentvictim, anda visit to the ominousGingerbread House makeshimrealize life as he knowsit will never be the same. You can find “Bulwark” (Chelshire) at https://amzn.to/2Wz5AiX.