Don't Waste Your Leftover Easter Eggs—Celebrate National Egg Salad Week!


Don’t Waste Your Leftover Easter Eggs— Celebrate National Egg Salad Week! (NAPS)—Weall know the real star of the Easter season. No,not the Easter bunny—it’s eggs! In fact, in 2018 there were 242 million dozen eggs sold during Easter; that’s 2.9 billion eggs eaten during the Easter season alone! But whathappenstoall those beautifully decorated eggs after Easter? It would be a shameto let them go to waste! Leftover hard-boiled Easter eggs are delicious and nutritious—and they're perfect for celebrating National Egg Salad Week, April 22-April 28! ‘This was top of mindat oneofthe biggest Easter traditions in America— the White House Easter Egg Roll! This year, out of 74,000 eggs donated by ‘Americas egg farmers for the annual For recipe inspirations, you can visit mustard,salt and pepper in medium bowl. 3. ADD chopped eggs,celery and green onions; mix well. 4, REFRIGERATE, event, 10,000 unused eggs were donated blend flavors. allowing morefamilies to enjoy National Egg Salad Week! tuce leaves. to local Washington, D.C. food banks, covered to 5. SERVEon wheatbreadwith let- So, go ahead and turn the fruits of Insider info: Superversatile, this classic egg salad is delicious served creamy egg salad this week! But remembetween twoslices of toasted rustic ber: thinksafety first! While all your decowheatbread, stuffed into small tomayour Easter labor into some delicious, rated hard-boiled eggsare of course beautiful, eat only those that were colored with food-safe decorating materials. And, after the egg huntends,throw outany eggsthat are cracked or have beenoutat room temperature for more than twohours. Makea classic, yet incredible Simple Egg Salad Sandwich. + Totaltime: 15 minutes + Yields: 4 servings + Ingredients: 6 HARD-BOILEDEGGS,peeled 1 Tbsp. lemonjuice % cup mayonnaise 1 Thsp. yellow mustard % tsp. salt % tsp. pepper % cupfinely choppedcelery % cupthinly sliced green onions 8 slices rustic wheat bread 4 lettuce leaves + Directions: 1. CHOPeggs. 2.MIX lemon juice, mayonnaise, toes for an easy appetizer, or served in alettuce cup for a low carb lunch. For more recipe ideas and inspiration visit If you don’t have anyleftover Eas- ter eggs, don't worry! Youcanstill cel- ebrate National Egg Salad Week. Just hard-boil a batch of eggs quickly and easily using the foolproof method below. Learn an easier way to hard-boil 12 EGGSat 1. HEAT %- to 1-inch of water in a large saucepanto boiling over high heat. CAREFULLY PLACE steamer insert into pan overboiling water OR proceed to #2, if not using a steamer insert. 2. CAREFULLY ADD eggs using a large spoon or tongs. COVER and continue cooking 12 minutesfor large eggs(13 minutes forextra large eggs). 3. DRAIN eggs under cold run- ningwaterto helptheshell ease off the hard-boiled eggs. 4. GENTLYTAPthelarge endofthe egg onto hard surfaceuntil the shell is slightly cracked andpeel the egg.