Celebrity Chef Mentors 4 Youth


Mentors 4 Youth (NAPSA)—Noted Chef Tom Doug- las cooked upa way for four youth who have experienced foster care to explore culinary careers. What Douglas Did The Seattle restaurateur, who defeated Masaharu Morimoto on “Iron Chef America” mentored Paris, Skyler, Philipe and Journey through Treehouse. The nonprofit is dedicated to giving youth in care a childhood anda future. ‘The youth spenttime with Douglasgetting his advice andlearning to improve their cooking skills. He taught them the proper way to cut up a chicken Philipe, right, is one offour Treehouse youth mentored bycelebrity chef and restaurateur Tom Douglas. and make three delicious meals—roast chicken,stir-fry and chicken piccata. What Treehouse Does Treehouse youth learn to set goals and makeplansfor the future as they workto graduate from high school, a key marker for future success. The organiza- tion, which operates throughout Washington and contributes to the national conversation on foster care, supports young adultswellinto their 20s—oruntil they achieve a degree or credential,living wage andstable housing. WhyIt’s Important Seventy percent of youth in foster care dream ofattending college, but fewer than half earn a high school diploma and only 3 percent go on to earn bachelor’s degree. In comparison, Treehouse’ youth enjoy an outstanding 82 percent extendedhigh schoolgradu- ation rate and ongoing access to career coaches,a variety of services and mate- rial resources such asclothing. Where to Learn More View video of Douglas and the youth at http://bit.ly/videotreehouse. This is the fourth mentoring video in the series. In other videos, Mike McCreadyof Pearl Jam created a song with five Treehouse youth, best-selling author Marissa Meyer of “The Lunar Chronicles” coached a youngwriter and renownedpaper-cutartist Barbara Earl Thomas worked with three youth on a majorproject for EXPO Chicago. To discover the many ways to support Treehouse’s mission, visit www. treehouseforkids.org.