Celebrate Popcorn: October Is National Popcorn Poppin' Month


Celebrate Popcorn: OctoberIs National Popcorn Poppin’ Month (NAPSA)—Popcorn lovers. rejoice: October is National Popcorn Poppin’ Month,a seasonal celebration of one of America’s oldest and most beloved snack foods. As farmers head into the fields to harvest crops, families and friends gather to honorthis ever-populartreat. Whetherstovetop, microwave or readyto-eat, we consume13 billion quarts each yearofthis wholesome, wholegrain. Having beenlong regarded as a sign of good times, popcorn has found a new Give your next party extra pizzazz with this sweet and salty Harvest Munch. snack simplicity, popcorn is also nonappreciation by today’s lean and green consumer. Celebrated for its seed-to- GMO,vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free and naturally low in fat and calories, which makes it an easyfit for the dietary conscious. Andit’s budgetfriendly. A quart of popped popcorncosts aslittle as 15 cents. ‘Add in popcorn’sirresistible smell, taste and versatility and its easy to understandits popularity. With so many different waysto eat it—plain, buttery or loaded with goodies—popcorn always fits the moodoroccasion. Popup a bowlandjoin the Popcorn Poppin’ Monthcelebration. Fora special seasonalsnack, try the following recipe courtesy of The Popcorn Board. Learn why popcorn pops, the history of popcorn, corny facts, recipes and more at www.popcorn.org. Harvest Munch (Monster Munch) Sweetandsalty, this party snack mix canbealtered with healthier mix-ins like raisins and nuts. Or for a Halloween bash,add edible eyesandcall it Monster Munch! Prep Time: 15 minutes CookTime: 5 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes Makes: 12 servings Ingredients: 8 cups air-popped orstovetop popcorn 4 cups mini pretzeltwists % cupbutter % cuppacked brown sugar 2 Tbsp corn syrup 1 cup marshmallows % tsp salt 2 cupsminichocolate peanut butter cups 1 cup candy corn Instructions: 1.Toss popcorn with pretzel twists; spread out on large parchmentpaper-lined baking sheet; set aside. 2.In saucepan set over medium heat, combine butter, brown sugar and corn syrup; cook, swirling pan, for 3 to 5 minutes or until brown sugar dissolves and mixture is bubbling. 3. Stir in marshmallows and salt; cook for 30 to 60 seconds or until marshmallows are melted. Pour evenly over popcorn mixture. Sprinkle with minichocolate peanutbutter cups and candy corn. Let cool completely and break into clusters.