Building An E-Business


(NAPSA)—For many small and medium sized businesses, the Information Superhighway has been a fast-track to success. The Net has helped businesses reach customers across the globe, for a relatively small amount of money. olfe waa , The Web can help small and medium sized businesses compete with large companies. If you plan on using the Webto expand your business, follow these tips. * What’s In A Name?—Fore- businesses, a memorable name can mean the difference between success and failure. When choosing your Web address, makeit easy to remember, have the name describe what your company does and keep the name short. Make A User Friendly Site—Focus on making your site easy for customers to use. Create a map that lets customers see what is on every page of your Website. * Keep It Simple—It’s not always a good ideato fill your site with graphics, animation and other visual bells and whistles. Ensure that images and graphics serve to enhance, not distract from your marketing goals. Keep It Secure—TIf yoursite is secure, customers are morelikely to purchase your goods or services. Products such as Web Sites by VeriSign offer e-businesses various payment packages that include secure credit card forms for online or offline processing and online merchant accounts. The features can help customers feel safe doing business on the Web. To help you get started online, go to www.learnmore.freeweb orcall 877-628-8694.