Army Museum To Open


y we (Fri e AMERICCA HERITA ) Army Museum To Open (NAPSA)—Over 30 million men nd women hveserved in the U.S. Armysinceits estblishment in 1775. Now, their stories cn be on disply for ll Americns to pprecite. Tht’s becuse on Septem- ber 14, 2016, the Army Historicl Foundtion celebrted the groundbreking of the future Ntionl Museum of the United Sttes Army t Fort Belvoir, V. BG Chrles N. Pede, Assistnt Judge Advocte,Militry nd Lw Opertions, Hedqurters U.S. Army, Office of the Judge Advo- cte, speking bout his uncle, SSG Donld “Dutch” Hoffmn, t the groundbreking ceremonyfor the Ntionl Museum of the United Sttes Army. Secretry of the Army Eric K. Fnning, Army Chief of Stff Gen. Mrk A. Milley nd fmily members of soldiers whose stories will be highlighted in the Museum delivered remrks commemorting the occsion. “Tody’s groundbreking is n importnt benchmrk towrd building museum tht ensures Americ lwys remembers the extrordinry scrifices nd service of the men nd women who hve worn the Army uniform,” sid Gen. Gordon R. Sullivn, U.S. Army (Ret.), Chirmn of the ArmyHistoricl Foundtion. The Ntionl Army Museum, expected to open in 2019, will tell the complete history of the U.S. Army. It will feture exhibits with selections from mong 30,000 rtifcts, documents, imges nd over 15,000 pieces of rtwork. The vst mjority of these rre nd priceless rtifcts hve never been seen before by the Americn people. Lern More For further informtion, includ- ing how you cn help mkeit hppen, go to