Apples And Potatoes Are A Great Combination


A Great Combination (NAPSA)—Whetherit’s Labor Day, Election Day, Veterans Day, a day your family went apple picking, tailgating timeorjust a good dayfora greatsalad, this colorful concoction ofpotatoes and Envy” apples can makefor a delightful side dish. Red, White & Blue Potato Salad by Envy” Makes6 servings 1 Ib small red potatoes, halved 1 Ib smallpurple potatoes, halved This patriotic apple andpotato salad can make anydayfeellike a holiday. Forthe vinaigrette: % cup champagnevinegar % cupextra virginolive oil 2T finely chopped shallot 1 tsp kosher salt 20 turnsoffresh cracked pepper Finish with: 2 Envy” apples, large diced 2T finely chopped parsley Boil potatoes separately in salted water (should taste like the ocean) until tender. Drain. Whisk together all ingredients for the vinaigrette and then toss with the warm potatoes. Fold in diced apples and parsley andserve. Because this dish is made with Envy”apples, which offerextraordinary crunch andtexture,a refreshingly sweet taste and beautiful colors, it won't turn brownin the bowl, making it even more appealingto the eyeas well as to the pal- ate. They stay crisp andfresh lookingfor hours, making them excellent for recipes, picnics, school lunches and smart snacking. Learn More For other great recipes, tips and facts, go to